The Lao Government has issued a new decree in promoting plantations, no. 247 /GoL, date 20 August 2019. The decree aims to determine the principles, rules, and measures to increase the number of investments in planting. The purpose aims to promote plantation as a product in order to raise revenues and boost the economy in order to ensure that there are sustainable raw materials and environmentally friendly.

The decree aims to control the planting forestry and trees under regulations by providing legal registrations in planting timbers and trees or the issuance of proprietary plantation certificates. The control can refer to the rights and identify the source of timbers. Furthermore, the control purposes to have land legally registrations, legal land arrangements for planting trees, forest restoration and protection of natural trees. Additionally, there are regulations for cutting trees, transferring trees, and purchase-sell and export trees.

In addition, there are policies for practitioners who are well-regulated and disciplined, such as policies for good practitioners in contributing to plantations, reforestation, and future forest conservation guidelines to be commended and promoted in accordance with the law. For this measure, violators will be trained, disciplined and punished in each case.

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