Department of Technology Information, Ministry of Science and Technology has issued the Regulation on the fee for issuing business licenses for electronic transactions No. 172 / MST.DTI, dated 05 September 2014 to determine the principles, regulations, and rates for the licensing services fee. The regulation aims to implement a pilot practice in order to apply a fee for license applications through electronic transactions. The business license fees are as follows:

Business license issuance fees

Any individuals, legal entity, or organization offering authorization for electronic transaction services shall pay the following fees:

1. Application Form 20,000 Kip / 1 Application

2. Licensing fee of 300,000 Kip / 1 Application

3. Research Fee for Technical Assessment 300,000 Kip / 1 Assessment


Licensing fees continue to conduct business

Any individuals, legal entity, or organization that intends to continue a license operate an electronic transaction service shall pay the following fees:

1. Application Form 20,000 Kip / 1 Application

2. Licensing fee of 300,000 Kip / 1 Application

3. Documentation fee of 100,000 Kip / 1 Assessment


Licensing charges add categories to electronic transaction services

Individuals, legal entities or organizations that wish to obtain additional types of electronic transaction services must pay the following fees:

1. Application Form 20,000 Kip / 1 Application

2. Licensing fee of 300,000 Kip / 1 Application

3. Research Fee for Technical Assessment 300,000 Kip / 1 Assessment


Documentation for Authorization

1. Application form                                                                                                                   1 set

2. Technical Report on Service System                                                                                   1 set

3. The enterprise license                                                                                                          1 copy

4. Tax registration (if any)                                                                                                         1 copy

5. ID / Passport                                                                                                                         1 copy

6. Representative letter (in case of representation)                                                                  1 set

7. Map of enterprise location                                                                                                    1 set

8. CVs of Technical staff and each certification (if any)                                                            1 copy

9. A description of Head Company (in case of a branch opening in Lao PDR)                        1 set

10. Photo of a business owner (less than 6 months)                                                                1 photo

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