In implementing Order No. 12 / PM, dated October 16, 2019, which aimed to facilitate goods clearance and reduce barriers and costs at the customs border to further increase the value of Lao exports as it is the strategic plan of the Government. Additionally, the government is promoting to use modern technology and examine risk management in inspecting goods which will be applied to Customs Authorities in borders around the nation.

The instructions letter for seal locks in exporting wood, mineral and agricultural products and general goods No. 10036 /DOC on 11 December 2019 intended to implement the previous instruction letter No. 02252/DOC on 11 May 2018 which refers to the cable seal locks for tax authorities only.  Additionally, in implementing the Order no 12/PM on 16 October 2019 to be more practical. Therefore, this instruction no 10036/DOC is improved by following the Order no 12/PM in order to facilitate import-export, temporary import, transit and moving goods in Laos by reducing complicated procedures and costs and limiting the unnecessary time of examines goods at the borders.

If there is unusual look in the seal locks such as damaged, broken or dubious and sources reliable authorities border to coordinate with the sector concerned or a committee to inspect the goods on the containers or the management board of the border to exports, shopping, transport, or who has authorized to open and check together with the committees. In the case of the inspection, if there is misconduct and illegal goods which will be punished by the law. If no offense is found, the MOU should be written by relevant authorities and release the inspection immediately.

In addition, if the Customs Clearance checkpoint has a SCANNER which can be used for effectively and efficiently inspect goods exported. If there is no any SCANNER in the checkpoints, however, it can refer to the certain sources in order to ease the burden on exporters and to facilitate with less complicated structures for export business.





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