The Decision on import, export and transit of aquatic animals and products No. 4211 / MAF dated 29 November 2019 which made to protect consumers and the environment of water in the Lao PDR. The Decision is intended to define the principles, rules and measures to control the import, export and transit of aquatic animals and products in order to prevent aquatic animal diseases and threats of aquatic resources and reduce water pollution in the country. This is mean to protect human life and health and environmental safety. Additionally, in contributing and implementing the agreement of the Animal Welfare and phytosanitary which Lao PDR is a party.

The import requirements for aquaculture and aquatic products are as follows: Individuals, legal entities and organizations that intend to import aquatic products into Lao PDR should meet the following conditions:

1. Having an import license issued by the Fisheries Administration;

2. Having a certificate of aquatic health or aquatic hygiene certificate issued by authorities or official organizations of the country of origin in accordance with the importation requirements of the Lao PDR;

3. In a case of import of aquatic fauna, the species must have a certificate of breeding and aquaculture standard certificate;

The permission of aquaculture and aquatic products. Individuals, legal entities and organizations intending to submit aquatic fauna and aquatic products through the Lao PDR that shall submit an application form to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries. The form is Appendix 3 which is attached in this Decision.

The prohibitions that should be strictly enforced by individuals, legal entities and organizations are as follows:

1. Do not import, export and transit of prohibited aquatic species as defined by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries;

2. Do not import, export and transit of consumer products related to aquatic organisms that are harmful to the consumer;

3. Do not import of aquatic fauna and aquatic products from a country or region of the exporting country where the infestation is required.


The detail of the Decision on import, export and transit of aquatic animals and products No. 4211 / MAF dated 29 November 2019

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