According to Decree No. 03 / PM, dated 10 January 2020 which verifies the Lao PDR's List of control activities and concession activities. The activities include activity types, business classification, investment conditions, management divisions and relevant regulations. There are two main accounts which are the list of control activities and concession activities. For more details of these accounts is on Annex A of this decree.

The list of control activities can be seen as an account that creates a direct impact on national security, society, traditional culture and environment. Therefore, the activity must be verified and considered by relevant sectors. After the activity is approved, a committee of promoting and managing investment will make the final decision whether the activity can be invested or not. 

The individual enterprise domestic individual and foreign enterprises who are legal enterprise register under the Enterprise Law of the Lao PDR, if they wish to obtain licenses or invest in new business or control activities which can apply directly to the One-Stop Service.

The Control List of Lao PDR is divided into 44 categories, such as a category in agriculture and forestry sectors which include annual crop plants, perennial plants, livestock and others. In addition, mining and processing sectors which include mining, mineral exploration and mineral support services.

Concession Accounts are a list of businesses that are licensed by the state, such as land concessions, special economic zones development and processing industries for export, mining, energy development, airline concessions, and telecommunications..

For entities inside and outside the country with the objective to invest in the concession in Laos that need to submit a request investment to the One-Stop Service at the provincial or central level. The One-Stop Service will consider and make a decision with relevant departments within 65 working days from the date is submitted the request.

The Lao Concession List is divided into 21 categories, such as agricultural and forestry sectors which include land concession for planting trees (except rubber), concessions or rentals the State’s land in planting trees, food crops, profit crops, herbal crops and others. In addition, mining and processing sectors which include exploring non-metal for construction and mineral support services.

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