According to the Agreement No. 01446 /DOC, dated March 13, 2020, on the permission to release import goods from warehouses or customs checkpoints before an arriving notification letter. However, the import goods must be verified by the relevant departments before taking an action than following the Law of Customs, No 04/NA, Article 27, dated 20 December 2011.

There are two main types of goods that can be released from the warehouse and international customs checkpoint which are:

1. The Head of the International Customs Checkpoint will consider and issue the IM8 when:

• Import of raw materials and equipment for an urgent usage of investment enterprises that are already verified by the planning and investment sector in a central or local level;

• Import of medical equipment such as vaccines, analogs and medical devices;

• Import of supplies - consumables, equipment and supplies for a disaster period;

• Import of live-stock, fast-spoiling food products and items are stored at a specific temperature.

2. The Head of the Tax Administration will allow the International Customs Checkpoint to issue the IM8 when:

       • import exhibition products and distributions;

       • Import of equipment, repair tools, and exploration.


In addition, excluding products that are not in the list above that will be considered by the Customs Department by following the relevant laws and regulations.


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