Unofficial translation


Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity



Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

No 0807 /DLF

Vientiane, date 07 April 2020



on the Standards of big livestock and farms to be exported from Lao PDR to China


-    Pursuant to the Minister Decision No 3824/MAF, dated 18 August 2017 on the Roles and Functions of the Department Livestock and Fishery;
-    Pursuant to the Sanitary Regulations on the quarantine and health inspection of large animals to be exported from Lao PDR to China between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR and the General Department of Customs of the People's Republic of China dated 30 April 2019.

Since the Government of Lao PDR and the People's Republic of China have expanded comprehensive cooperation to develop a One Belt One Road policy and specifying the sanitary requirements for quarantine and health inspection of large animals to be exported from Lao PDR to the People's Republic of China has led many parties, such as entrepreneurs and farmers, to invest in large-scale animal husbandry to supply the Chinese market.

However, in order to increase the understanding of the standards of large livestock and large livestock farms to be exported to China to farmers, entrepreneurs and investors, as well as to provide a reference to the public management sector and all relevant parties.

Therefore, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries has issued guideline on the Standards of big livestock and farms to be exported from Lao PDR to China with the details as following:

1.    The standard of big animals to be exported from Lao PDR to China

1.1.    Large animals to be exported to the People's Republic of China must come from farms licensed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Lao PDR and from farms certified as standard export farms in accordance with the Ministerial Decree on the Management of Livestock Farms in the Lao PDR No. 0209/MAF, dated 06 February 2013;
1.2.    Large animals may be indigenous or improved breeds or hybrids between indigenous and improved breeds, weighing not less than 350 kg and not older than 4 years as required by the Chinese market and must be native to Lao PDR, or if imported animals must be kept in Lao PDR for at least 150 days (Including 45 days for concentration area and 30 days for quarantine area);
1.3.    Large livestock sources within 6 months before sending large animals to China must have no history of laboratory testing for Lumpy Skin Disease, Contagious Bovince Pleuropneumonia, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Foot and Mouth Disease, Brucellosis, Bovine tuberculosis, Anthrax, Pest Petits Ruminants and no signs of infectious diseases or other serious parasites occur on the farm;
1.4.    Large animals to be exported to the People's Republic of China must be kept in a large animal enclosure within a range of 47 km from the perimeter of the buffalo-free zone of the foot and mouth disease for at least 45 days and must be kept in a quarantine facility at Nakham Village, Sing District, Luang Namtha Province for at least 30 days;
1.5.    All animals must have a certificate of vaccination against foot and mouth disease, diphtheria and tetanus, and, if necessary, be tested for immunity to a level that can prevent the disease;
1.6.    During the quarantine process in preparation for export, all animal identification, animal health, treatment, vaccination and parasite vaccination must be carefully checked and ensure that animals are not exposed to unsafe drugs that that may cause residues that are harmful to the health of consumers;
1.7.    Large animals must be fed good quality, safe food, free from sources of serious animal diseases and lack of hormones to stimulate growth in animal feed;
1.8.    Before transporting animals to China 24 hours, all animals must undergo a final thorough inspection by a veterinarian and have an official animal health certificate. Large animals must be in perfect health, no abnormalities; If animals are female that do not get pregnant;
1.9.    Large animals must be transported along the route specified by the relevant regulatory authority, the vehicles used for transport must be washed, cleaned and disinfected with the pesticides recommended by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries;
1.10.    Throughout the chain of animal husbandry, from the stage of raising animals on the farm to the point of export, all animals must be treated in accordance with the animal welfare principles set by the International Organization for Animal Health. 

2.    On the standard of large livestock farms for export to China

2.1    Large livestock farm must be located in a suitable place, no flooding, approved by the local authority and relevant authorities; Stay away from community, do not disturb the surrounding society, no risk of chemical and biological contamination; Have a clean, sufficient water source and a suitable environment; Not near the slaughterhouse and not in the buffer zone of the foot and mouth disease;
2.2    Farm area and layout; Farms must have clear areas for raising livestock and building facilities and be suitable for livestock breeding, such as pastures, sheds, stables, animal feed warehouses, facilities, and a safe and adequate waste management system, with a fence and a separate area for people to move in and out;
2.3    The house must be suitable for raising each type of large animal, with a cage that is divided into areas for raising large animals of each age or size; The structure of the house must be made of durable materials, easy to clean, maintain and have good ventilation; The roof should be at least 3 meters high, with a channel for chasing animals, a place for animals to move up and down, narrow stables, breeding stalls, father stables, foster stables or tom stalls clearly separated;
2.4    The floor of the house should be cement, sloping, non-slip, can be easily cleaned and disinfected, have a good drainage system;
2.5    Houses for large animals may be single or combined and divided according to the generation, size and number of animals raised;
2.6    The fence should be at least 150 cm high. The outer railing of the stall should have 4 rails, the inner railing should have 3 rails;
2.7    Feeding areas for large animals must be made of materials that are easy to clean and must be sufficient for the number of animals raised;
2.8    Gutters should be made of materials that are easy to clean, placed in a suitable and general position;
2.9    Farms must have food storage and storage facilities for equipment that ensures cleanliness and ventilation;
2.10    Animal feed must be of good quality, through safety research and from sources that do not cause serious diseases; Not contaminated with harmful chemicals and does not contain growth hormones; In the case of mixed feed, the nutritional needs of the animals must be taken into account at each age. Feed transport must ensure that it does not rain and that food use records are systematically managed;
2.11    Livestock water must be clean, safe and in sufficient quantity to meet the needs at all times, the water source must be free from the risk of contamination of harmful chemicals and pathogens;
2.12    Farm management must have a farm management manual with details of the farm's operations, including the organizational structure, management and management of herds (animal prints), food and water, animal health, animal welfare, environment, and all relevant farm planning and marketing;
2.13    Personnel working on livestock farms must have a sufficient number and level of professionalism, have a clear division of duties and responsibilities, be trained, be in good health, receive annual health check-ups and not allow people with tuberculosis or serious infectious diseases to work on the farm;
2.14    In terms of hygiene and safety, good biosecurity measures must be taken, with disinfectant tanks at the entrances to farms, houses and pens. Equipment must be kept clean, maintained, and feces collected, washed and disinfected regularly to prevent contamination inside and around the pens;
2.15    In terms of hygiene and safety, good biosecurity measures must be taken, with disinfectant tanks at the entrances to farms, houses and pens. Equipment must be kept clean, maintained, and stools collected, washed and disinfected regularly to prevent contamination inside and around the pens;
2.16    Animal health management with a veterinarian or designated animal, quarantine and health inspection of animals before they are brought to the farm, systematic vaccination and parasite vaccination plans, internal and external veterinarians, vehicles used on the farm must be cleaned and sanitized before entry and exit; Farms should be monitored for foot-and-mouth disease, herpes, cow diphtheria and other diseases as specified in Clause 1.3 of this guideline, and must be screened for major animal diseases, especially communicable diseases and tuberculosis, once a year;
2.17    Farms must have separate stables to keep sick cows for treatment, and measures must be taken to prevent animals that carry pathogens from the farm. In case of birth or suspected outbreak, the measures prescribed in Article 29 of the Law on Animal Husbandry and Veterinary No. 08/NA, dated 11 November 2016;
2.18    Large livestock farms must have environmental management, must follow the guidelines on animal carcass disposal, wastewater treatment, proper disposal of waste and animal feces and sanitation;
2.19    The farm must have a system of important records of farm management, such as a system for typing animals (animal caterpillars, ear numbers, electronic caterpillars) that indicate species, code numbers, breeds, sex, age, parenting history, veterinary records, veterinary records, and sources Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the year at least 3 years after the animals are released;
19 Farms must have a system for keeping important records of farm management, such as a system for registering animal species (animal caterpillars, earmuffs, electronic caterpillars) that indicate species, code numbers, breeds, sex, age, genealogy, veterinary records, veterinary records, and sources; And disease outbreaks on the farm, which must be stored for at least 3 years after the animals are released;

3. Livestock business operators intending to establish a large livestock farm for export must obtain a permit in accordance with the Ministerial Decree on Management of Livestock Activities in the Lao PDR No. 0209/MAF, dated 06, February 2013.

4. The departments, technical centers around the Department of Livestock and Fishery, Livestock and Fishery at the provincial level throughout the country to disseminate this instruction to the relevant organizations, farmers, as well as local and foreign entrepreneurs to implement together effectively.
Director of Livestock and Fishery Department

Ms. Vilayphone Voralaphon










# Title Download
1 Instruction on the Standards of big livestock and farms to be exported from Lao PDR to China, No 0807/DLF, dated 07 April 2020. PDF
2 ຄໍາແນະນໍາ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ມາດຕະຖານສັດໃຫຍ່ ແລະ ມາດຕະຖານຟາມລ້ຽງສັດໃຫຍ່ ທີ່ຈະສົ່ງອອກຈາກ ສປປ ລາວ ໄປ ສປ ຈີນ, ເລກທີ 0807/ກລປ, ລົງວັນທີ 07 ເມສາ 2020. PDF
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