Unofficial translation

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Government       No471/GoV

Vientiane Capital, Date:  27 December 2019


On satellite communications

  • Pursuant to the Government Law No. 04 / NA, dated 08 November 2016;
  • Pursuant to the Law on Radio Frequency No. 17 / NA, dated 05 May 2017;
  • Pursuant to the letter of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Communications No. 3900/ MoPT, dated 04 December 2019.

The Government issued the Decree:

Section 1

General Provisions

Article 1 Purpose

This decree sets out the principles, regulations and measures for the management and monitoring of satellite communications in order to ensure the development, quality and modernity, aiming to ensure national security, national security and social order, be able to integrate with the region and internationally, contribute to the socio-economic development of the nation.

Article 2 Satellite Communication

           Satellite communication is a type of communication technology that uses radio frequency wave to receive, transmit sound signals, images and information between one or more regional satellites and satellites in orbit.

Article 3 Definitions

The terms used in this decree have the meaningsas following:

  1. Communication refers to the transmission or reception of signals, information, text, audio and video by means of radio frequency wave;
  2. Satellite communication equipment refers to the equipment used to receive, transmit or receive and transmit both audio, video and information signals by using satellite radio frequency wave, such as satellite TV receivers, Very Small Aperture Terminal - VSAT;
  3. Foreign satellites refer to satellites that are registered and provide services on behalf of foreign countries;
  4. Satellite Communications Management Officer refers to the civil servants in charge of satellite communications management in the post and telecommunications sector.

Article 4 Government Policy on Satellite Communications

         The State encourages all public and private sectors that are fully qualified to use Lao satellite communications in their work activities, contribute to economic development, socio-cultural development, national defense and security, disaster warning and mitigation, efficient, effective, safe and fair scientific research.

        The state creates conditions and facilitates the management of satellite communications by human resources, human resource development, infrastructure, budget allocation and necessary equipment in each period.

        The state encourages and promotes the use of satellite communications in various forms that use new and advanced technologies for the maximum benefit of society and the nation.

Article 5 Principles on the management and use of satellite communications

         Principles on the management and use of satellite communications has to following these principles:

  1. Comply with the policies, laws, national socio-economic development plans, national strategic plans and plans on radio frequency wave;

     2. Ensure centralized and uniform management throughout the country;

     3. Ensuring fairness, efficiency, effectiveness, targeted use, universal reach and non-interference;

     4. Ensure national security, order and social security;

     5. Comply with international conventions and agreements to which the Lao PDR is a party.

Article 6 Scope of application

            This Decree applies to individuals, legal entities or organizations, both domestic and foreign related to the use of satellite communications in the Lao PDR.

Article 7 International Cooperation

            The State promotes cooperation with foreign, regional and international countries on satellite communications through the exchange of information, science, technology and human resource development lessons to enable the work to develop and comply with international conventions and agreements to which Lao PDR is a party.

Section II

Allocation of radio frequency wave, satellite orbits and satellite communications

Part 1

Allocation of radio frequency wave for satellite communications

Article 8 Radio frequency communication via satellite

         Satellite radio frequencies are those broadcast in the air and space radio frequency wave that have been allocated in the National Master Plan for the radio frequency wave used in satellite communications.

Article 9 Allocation of radio frequency wave via satellite

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications shall allocate, divide, authorize and retrieve satellite radio frequencies in Lao PDR in accordance with the National Plan on Radio Frequency Wave, the regulations of the International Telecommunication Union, international conventions and agreements to which Lao PDR is a party.

Part 2

Satellite orbit

Article 10 Satellite orbit

          Satellite orbits are orbits of satellites that orbit the Earth or other objects in space.

          There are three main types of satellite orbits:

  1. LEO-Low Earth Orbit;
  2. MEO-Medium Earth orbit;
  3. GEO-Geostationary Equatorial Orbit.

Article 11 Low-level satellite orbits

         The low-level satellite orbit is the orbit of a satellite orbiting the Earth at an altitude of between 400 and 2000 km from the Earth's surface, which is used for satellite communications, for example, communication to explore the world via satellite.

Article 12 Mid-range satellite orbits

          The mid-range satellite orbit is the orbit of a satellite orbiting the Earth at an altitude of between 800 and 20,000 km from the Earth's surface, which is used for satellite communications, such as mobile communications via satellite, satellite exploration and exploration

Article 13 High-level satellite orbits

          The mid-range satellite orbit is the orbit of a satellite orbiting an object or other object at an altitude of 35,786 km above the Earth's surface, which is used for satellite communications, such as radio and television, satellite, and fixed satellite communications.

Part 3

Type of communication via satellite

Article 14 Types of Satellite Communication

          There are five main types of satellite communications:

  1. Fixed Satellite Service;
  2. Mobile Satellite Service;
  3. Broadcasting Satellite Service;
  4. Radio determination satellite Service;
  5. Earth Exploration-Satellite Service.

Article 15 Constant communication via satellite

Constant communication via satelliteis the reception and transmission of radio frequency waves between land-based satellites and satellites, such as the VSAT Network.

Article 16Mobile communication via satellite

          Satellite mobile communication is the reception, transmission of radio frequencies communication between ground-based satellite stations to one or more satellites, or between satellites and other satellites, such as mobile satellite communications, satellite mobile phone communications.

Article 17 Satellite Radio and Television

            Satellite radio and television is the transmission or transmission of radio and television signals via satellite so that the general public can listen and watch such programs directly, such as the transmission and reception of satellite television signals.

Article 18 Communication of the survey and search of positions via satellite

            Communication of the survey and search of positions via satellite is the communication between a ground satellite station with one or more satellites to explore objects, locate objects, speed and other characteristics of the target, such as satellite navigation communication, satellite positioning communication.

Article 19 Communication via Earth Satellite

            Communication via Earth Satellite is the communication between a ground satellite station with one or more satellites to receive, transmit information about the Earth's features and natural phenomena, such as monitoring of environmental information, topography, and satellite meteorological communications.

Section III

Satellites and ground satellite stations

Part 1


Article 20 Satellite

            Satellites are man-made inventions that orbit the earth or other objects for communication and other purposes.

Article 21 Satellite Registration

            Legal entities or organizations properly established in Lao PDR for the purpose of establishing or purchasing satellites to provide services on behalf of Lao PDR must apply for registration with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

            After receiving the application and documents for satellite registration, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications on behalf of the Government of Lao PDR applied for the satellite registration with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Article 22 Application documents for satellite registration

            Application documents for satellite registration are as follows:

  1. Application in the form prescribed by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications;
  2. Develop network and action plan its own;
  3. Technical feasibility study, which must clearly define the information on the radio frequency wave, low satellite orbit, service area, signal strength, socio-economic benefits, state and national, as well as point out the potential negative effects, mitigation measures and other negative effects;
  4. Joint venture agreement;
  5. A copy of the enterprise registration certificate or establishment license;
  6. Other documents as required by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

Article 23 Satellite Coordination

          Applicants for satellite registration must coordinate with other satellite networks in accordance with the rules of the International Telecommunication Union before using and providing satellite communications services.

Article 24 Registration Expenses

            Applicants for satellite registration will be responsible for the cost of satellite registration with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the cost of coordination with other satellite networks, and the cost of registration with the International Telecommunication Union.

Part 2

Earth satellite station

Article 25 Earth satellite station

            The Earth Station is a radiotransmitter receive and transmit radio frequencies mounted on the Earth's surface or atmosphere to communicate with one or more satellites.

Article 26 Types of Ground Satellite Stations

            There are three types of earth satellite stations:

  1. Satellite signal reception and reception station;
  2. Satellite signal transmission station;
  3. Satellite reception station.

Article 27 Satellite signal transmission and reception station

            A satellite receiving and transmitting station is a station that receives and transmits data between a ground satellite station and one or more satellites, such as a satellite command station, a small satellite communication station, a satellite radio and television station.

Article 28 Satellite signal transmission station

            A satellite transmitter is a station that transmits data to one of the satellites to be transmitted to another satellite or earthly satellite station, such as satellite radio and television.

Article 29 Satellite signal reception station

            A satellite station is a station that receives data from any satellite to use satellite communications services, such as a satellite TV receiver installed in an office or home.

Article 30 Registration of regional satellite station

            Legal entities or organizations established in Lao PDR has the purpose of establishing or having a receiving and transmitting station, a satellite transmitting station in Lao PDR must apply for registration with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications. No satellite registration is required for the station.

Article 31 Supporting documents for registration

            The application documents for registration of anearth satellite station are as follows:

  1. Application in the form prescribed by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications;
  2. Network development plan and its business operation plan for business operators;
  3. Technical feasibility study, which must clearly identify the satellites used;
  4. Joint venture agreement;
  5. A copy of the enterprise registration certificate or establishment license;
  6. Other documents as required by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

Article 32 Coordination of earthsatellite station

            Applicants for earth satellite stations must coordinate with other satellite networks in accordance with the rules of the International Telecommunication Union before using and providing satellite communications services.

Article 33. Registration Expenses

The applicant for the registration of the ground satellite station shall be responsible for the registration costs as specified in the Ordinance on Fees and Services announced from time to time and the cost of coordination with other satellite networks.

Part 3

The right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites (Landing Rights)

Article 34 The right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites

            The right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites is to allow foreign satellites to provide satellite communications services in Lao PDR.

Article 35 Request for the right to provide communication services via foreign satellites

            Legal entities or organizations, both domestic and foreign intend to apply for the right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites must submit an application and supporting documents to the Ministry of Postand Telecommunications.

Article 36 Requirements for granting the right to provide communication services via foreign satellites

            Authorization of the right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites requires the requirements asfollowing:

  1. Completed satellite network coordination and obtained a certificate from the relevant government;
  2. Have an office in Lao PDR;
  3. Have a unit or staff responsible for coordinating a specific satellite network;
  4. Have a stable financial position;
  5. Have satellite communication equipment that has been inspected and certified to technical standards in accordance with laws and regulations;
  6. After-sales service available to customers;
  7. Other requirements according to each type of business regarding satellite communication.

Article 37 Documents supporting the right to provide communication services via       foreign satellites

            The supporting documents for the right to satellite communication services are as follows:

  1. The printed application prescribed by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications;
  2. Business history of the applicant;
  3. To notify the results of the satellite network coordination with the countries notified by the International Telecommunication Union;
  4. Network development plan and its operational plan;
  5. Technical feasibility study, which must clearly identify the satellites used;
  6. Joint venture agreement;
  7. Copy of enterprise registration certificate or establishment license;
  8. Other documents as required by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

Article 38. Consideration of the request for the right to provide communication services

            via foreign satellites

            Upon receipt of the application and documents from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites shall be granted within 30 days.

            In case of denial of the right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications must also give the applicant a written reason within 30 days.

Article 39 Validity of the license for foreign satellite communication services

            The satellite communications license for international satellites is valid for one year and is renewable.

Section IV

Business on satellite communications

Article 40 Businesses on satellite communications

            Individuals, legal entities or organizations, both domestic and foreign, intending to conduct business in the field of satellite communications must submit an application and supporting documents for the establishment of an enterprise with the One-Stop Investment Service Office, Ministry of Planning and Investment as specified in the Law on the Promotion of Investment and request permission to conduct business from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

Article 41 Types of Businesses on Satellite Communications

            The types of businesses in satellite communications are as follows:

  1. Satellite communication channel rental service;
  2. VSAT satellite communication services;
  3. Providing services for receiving and transmitting data through earth satellite stations;
  4. Import, distribution, installation, manufacture and export of satellite communication equipment;
  5. Other satellite communications business.

Article 42 Conditions of Business Operation

            The person who will operate the satellite communication business must have the conditionsasfollowing:

  1. Have an enterprise registration certificate;
  2. Have an office;
  3. Have a stable financial position;
  4. Have personnel with appropriate knowledge and ability according to the type of business;
  5. Have a business plan;
  6. After-sales service available to customers;
  7. Obtained the right to provide satellite communications services for foreign satellites.

Article 43 Consideration of the request to conduct business

            After receiving the application and documents from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, consider applying for a permit to conduct satellite communications activities within 30 days.

            In case of denial of permission to conduct satellite communications activities, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunicationsshall also notify the applicant in writing within thirty days.

Article 44 Validity of business license

            The license to operate a satellite communications business is valid for 01 year and is renewable.

Article 45 Renewal of business license

            Operators of satellite communications can apply for a license renewal, which must be submitted with the application and supporting documents 60 days before the expiration date.

            The renewal request will only be considered if the user:

  1. Comply with the conditions specified in the license;
  2. To fulfill the obligations, fees and service charges in full as prescribed by laws and regulations.

Section V

Rights and obligations of operators and service users on satellite communications

Article 46  Rights of satellite communications operators

         Satellite communications operators have the rightsas following:

  1. Carry out activities as permitted;
  2. Suspend or cancel providing services to service users who do not pay for the service after being notified;
  3. Expand the network or scope of services with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications for consideration;
  4. Request permission to change the use of radio frequency wave and satellitecommunication equipment with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications;
  5. Import, export, manufacture, use, sell and install satellite communication equipment as approved;
  6. Offer other satellite communications operators to resolve in case their satellite communications are disrupted or the government to assist in resolving in case the operators do not resolve;
  7. Collect service fees from service users;
  8. Exercise other rights as stipulated in the laws and regulations.

Article 47 Obligations of satellite communications operators

            Operators of satellite communications have the obligations asfollowing:

  1. Ensure the operation of business with quality, convenience, promptness and fairness;
  2. Comply with the regulations of the International Telecommunication Union;
  3. Report or notify the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications in case of disturbed satellite communication;
  4. Support of accurately collect information about the network system, work performance and number of customers such as location, signal transmission and other information;
  5. Collect service fees in accordance with the regulations as specified by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications;
  6. Ensure the safety use of human health and the environment in accordance with international standards and relevant regulations;
  7. Maintain confidential information of users;
  8. Improve and correct in case of communication via its satellite to disturb other operators;
  9. Notify the customer 10 days before the system is updated, corrected or disconnected;
  10. Pay fees and service charges in accordance with laws and regulations;
  11. Implement other obligations as stipulated in the laws and regulations.

Article 48 Rights of service users

            Satellite Communications users have the rightsas following:

  1. Receive quality, convenient, prompt and fair services;
  2. Report to the operator of the satellite communication or the relevant government agencies on the unfair, poor quality and high service charges;
  3. Receive advice on the use of satellite communication services;
  4. Exercise other rights as stipulated in the laws and regulations.        

Article 49 Obligations of service users

         Satellite communication service users have the obligations as following:

  1. Use satellite communication correctly and appropriately;
  2. Complete and regular service charges;
  3. Report or notify the Post and Telecommunication sector in case the operator of the satellite communication violates the relevant laws and regulations;
  4. Implement other obligations as stipulated in the laws and regulations.

Section VI

Inspection, certification of technical standards and importation of satellite communication equipment

Article 50 Inspection and certification of technical standards for satellite communication equipment

All satellite communications equipment manufactured, imported and exported must be inspected and certified by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

Inspection and certification of technical standards for satellite communication equipment is specified in specific regulations.

Article 51 Import of satellite communication equipment

Individuals, legal entities or organizations, both domestic and foreign, intending to import all types of satellite communications equipment must obtain permission from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, except for satellite TV receivers, which must be approved by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism.

For the management of the import of communications equipment via satellite are specified in specific regulations.

Section VII


Article 52 General Prohibitions

Prohibit individuals, legal entities or organizations behaviors as following:

  1. Conducting business in the field of satellite communications without permission;
  2. Manufacture, import and export of satellite communication equipment without permission;
  3. Using satellite communications to cause harm to others;
  4. Have other behaviors that violate laws and regulations.

Article 53 Prohibitions for Satellite Communication Management Officials

Satellite communication management staff is prohibited from behaviors as following:

  1. Disclosure of national secrets or operators regarding satellite communications without permission;
  2. Suppress, falsify satellite communications documents;
  3. Abuse of illegal water for personal gain, which is detrimental to the state, organization, group or individual;
  4. Abandoned the duties and responsibilities assigned by the organization;
  5. Have other behaviors that violate laws and regulations.

Article 54 Prohibitions for operators concerning satellite communications

Satellite communications operators are prohibited from behaviors as following:

  1. Carrying out activities related to satellite communication in accordance with the permitted conditions;
  2. Transfer, sell or rent licenses without permission;
  3. Survey and disclose information on strategic areas or other places that affect national security, national defense and security;
  4. Obstructing the work of satellite communication management staff;
  5. Have other behaviors that violate laws and regulations.

Article 55 Prohibitions for service users

Users of the satellite communication service are prohibited from behaviors as following:

  1. Modify or change the radio communication frequency of the satellite communication equipment;
  2. Use satellite communications that are detrimental to the state, organization, collective or individual;
  3. Survey and disclose information on strategic areas or other places that affect national security, national defense and security;
  4. Have other behaviors that violate laws and regulations.

Section VIII

Management and inspection of satellite communications

Article 56 Organization for management and inspection of satellite communications

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is directly responsible for and liaises with other ministries, government agencies equivalent to the Ministry, local authorities and other relevant parties in managing and inspecting such work.

The satellite communications management and inspection agency consists of:

  1. Ministry of Post and Telecommunications;
  2. Department of Post and Telecommunications at the provinces, the capital;
  3. Office of Post and Telecommunication and Communication District, Municipality, City.

Article 57 Rights and duties of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has the rights and duties to as following:

  1. Research, formulate policies, strategies, laws, edict and decrees on satellite communication for the Government to consider;
  2. Implement policies, strategies, laws, edict and decrees on satellite communication into plans, programs, projects and regulations as well as implement them;
  3. Disseminate and study policies, strategies, laws and other legislation on satellite communication throughout the country;
  4. Issuing, renewing, canceling or revoking the license to conduct business on satellite communication;
  5. Consider the registration of satellites and ground satellite stations;
  6. Authorize the production, import and export of satellite communication equipment;
  7. To manage and monitor the operation of satellite communication activities throughout the country;
  8. Examine and certify the technical standards of satellite communication equipment;
  9. Supervise the management of satellite communications to the Department of Post and Telecommunications of the provinces and the Capital;
  10. Assign responsibilities for the management of satellite communications to the provinces and the capital as appropriate;
  11. Create, train and upgrade technical staff in the field of satellite communication;
  12. Receive complaints and resolve disputes over satellite communications;
  13. Warn and apply measures against individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate administrative regulations on satellite communications;
  14. Coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies and local administrations on the implementation of satellite communications management;
  15. Liaise and cooperate with the international community in satellite communications within the scope of responsibilities and assignments of the Government;
  16. Summarize and report on the implementation of satellite communication management to the Government on a regular basis;
  17. Exercise other rights and perform other duties as stipulated in the law, this decree and related regulations.

Article 58 Rights and Duties of the Department of Post and Telecommunications of the

Province, Capital

In managing and inspecting the communication work via satellite, the Department of Post and Telecommunications of the Province, Capital has the rights and duties within the scope of its responsibilities as following:

  1. Implement policies, strategies, laws and legislations on satellite communication;
  2. Disseminate policies, strategies, laws and legislations on satellite communications in their local area;
  3. Inspect and certify the technical standards of satellite TV receivers;
  4. Monitor and inspect the import of satellite TV receivers;
  5. Collect statistics on users of satellite communications;
  6. Supervise the post, telecommunication and communication offices of districts, municipalities and cities on the management of satellite communications;
  7. Receive complaints and resolve disputes over satellite communications;
  8. Warn and apply measures against individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate administrative regulations on satellite communications;
  9. Coordinate with the relevant department and district administrations on the implementation of satellite communication management;
  10. Summarize and report on the implementation of satellite communication management to the provincial administration, the capital and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications on a regular basis;
  11. To exercise the rights and perform other duties as stipulated in this law, this decree and the relevant regulations.

Article 59 Rights and Duties of the Post and Telecommunication Office of the district,

municipality, city.

In managing and inspecting the communication work via satellite, the post office, telecommunication and communication district, municipality, city have the rights and duties within the scope of their responsibilities as follows:

  1. Implement policies, strategies, laws and legislation on satellite communication;
  2. Coordinate with district, municipality and city administrations to monitor the use of satellite communications;
  3. Collect statistics on users of satellite communications;
  4. Summarize and report on the implementation of satellite communication management to the district, municipality, city and Department of Post and Telecommunication of the provinces and the capital on a regular basis;
  5. Exercise rights and perform other duties as assigned.

Article 60 Rights and duties of other sectors

In managing and inspecting satellite communications, local authorities and other parties have the rights and duties to cooperate and coordinate with the Post and Telecommunications sectors in accordance with their roles and responsibilities.

Article 61 Inspection contents

Inspection of satellite communications works as follows:

  1. Implement policies, laws, decrees and other legislation on satellite communications;
  2. Organization and activities of the satellite communications management organization;
  3. Responsibilities, conduct and working methods of satellite communication management staff;
  4. Activities of operators and users of satellite communication services;
  5. Implementation of international conventions and agreements on satellite communications to which the Lao PDR is a party.

Article 62 Inspection method

There are three types of inspection of satellite communications:

  1. Regular inspections;
  2. Inspections with prior notice;
  3. Sudden inspection.

Routine inspections are planned and actual timed.

An inspection with advance notice is an unplanned inspection when it is deemed necessary by notifying the person to be inspected at least 24 hours in advance.

Unannounced inspections are inspections that are deemed necessary, urgent, without notifying the person to be inspected.

Inspections shall be made both to inspect the documents and to inspect the actual implementation of the satellite communications work and to strictly comply with the laws.

Section IX

Policies on the achievers and measures against violators

Article 63 Policy on achievers

Individuals, legal entities or organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the implementation of this Decree and related regulations, such as the use of satellite communications for the benefit of society, the conduct of satellite communications activities effectively and efficiently shall be awarded and other policies in accordance with the regulations.

Article 64 Measures against violators

Individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate this Decree shall be educated, disciplined, fined, including civil damages or subject to criminal penalties in each case of light or pod.

Article 65 Education Measures

Individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate this Decree for the first time that is not dangerous or unintentional and causes minor damage shall be educated and warned.

Article 66 Disciplinary Measures

Employees who violate this decree, for example, prohibitions which are not a criminal offense, will be disciplined in accordance with the relevant laws.

Article 67 Fined Measures

Individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate this Decree, for example, a non-criminal prohibition shall be punished in the cases as following:

  1. Conducting satellite communications business without a business license or without a license will be subject to the cases as following:
  • For the service of renting a communication channel via satellite will be fined 100,000 Kip multiplied by the width of the channel;
  • For satellite communication service, VSAT system will be fined 80,000,000 Kip for the number of VSAT system stations;
  • For the service of receiving and transmitting data through the ground satellite stations will be fined 80,000,000 Kip multiplied by the number of ground stations;
  • For the provision of data transmission services through the ground satellite stations will be fined 40,000,000 Kip for the number of ground stations;
  • For the production, import and export of satellite communication equipment will be fined to 70 of the total equipment value;
  • For other satellite communication business will be fined 10,000 kip per 1 KHz used in each type of business.
  1. Building or having a ground satellite station without permission will be fined 70 of the total cost of equipment;
  2. Foreign satellites providing satellite communications services in the Lao PDR without permission will be fined 10,000 Kip per 1 KHz;
  3. Satellite communication equipment that has not been inspected and certified to technical standards will be fined to 70 of the total equipment cost.

Article 68 Civil Measures

Individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate this Decree which is detrimental to the interests of the state, society or any other person shall be compensated.

Article 69 Criminal Measures

Individuals, legal entities who violate this decree, which is a criminal offense, will be punished in according to the criminal law in each case minor or heavy.

Part 15

Final Provisions

Article 70 Implementation           

            The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications shall be entrusted with the effective implementation of this Decree.

      Ministries, agencies, local authorities and stakeholders shall recognize and strictly implement this decree.

Article 71 Effectiveness

This decree is effective from the date of signature and fifteen days after it is published in the Official Gazette.                                                           

Representing the Government of the Lao PDR

Prime Minister



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1 Decree on Satellite Communications, No. 471/GOL, dated 27 December 2019 PDF
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Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Import permit requirement - Satellite Communication equipment Permit Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Individual, legal entity or internal and external organisation who aims to import all types of satellite communication equipment shall be obtained the import permit from Ministry of Technology and Telecommunications, except satellite receiver equipment which shall be obtained the import permit from Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism Decree on Satellite Communications, No. 471/GOL, dated 27 December 2019 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Import inspection requirement - Satellite Communication equipment Inspection Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Importing satellite communication equipment shall be obtained the technical inspection by Ministry of technology and communication Decree on Satellite Communications, No. 471/GOL, dated 27 December 2019 9999-12-31 ALL
3 Import certification requirement - Satellite Communication equipment Certificate Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Importing satellite communication equipment shall have the technical certification from Ministry of technology and communication Decree on Satellite Communications, No. 471/GOL, dated 27 December 2019 9999-12-31 ALL
4 Export inspection requirement - Satellite Communication equipment Inspection Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Exporting satellite communication equipment shall be obtained the technical inspection by Ministry of technology and communication Decree on Satellite Communications, No. 471/GOL, dated 27 December 2019 9999-12-31 ALL
5 Exporting certification requirement - Satellite Communication equipment Certificate Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Export satellite communication equipment shall be certified the standard by Ministry of technology and communication Decree on Satellite Communications, No. 471/GOL, dated 27 December 2019 9999-12-31 ALL
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