Unofficial translation

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity



Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

No 1753 /MAF

Vientiane, date 25 August 2020



Instruction on


On registration of production facilities for export plants and plant products


< >Pursuant to amended Plant Protection and Quarantine Law No. 13/NA dated 15 November 2016;Pursuant to Prime Minister Decree No 99/PM dated 09 March 2017 on the Role and Functions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry;Pursuant to the proposal letter of Department of Agriculture No 1586/DOA, dated 07 August 2020.Pursuant to the study and proposal of the Department of Policy and Legislation No. 597/DPL, dated 11 August 2020.The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry issued instruction:



< >Objectives and projectionsTo determine the coordination mechanism and the divided of responsibilities between the central and local levels in the registration of production facilities for the export of crops and plant products;To ensure uniformity in the implementation of steps and procedures for the registration of production facilities for the export of crops and plant products. 


< >The meaning and importance of registration of production facilitiesPrinciples, steps and procedures for registration of production facilitiesPrinciples 


        Legal entities or organizations for the purpose of exporting plants, plant products and controlled materials which the importing country requires to be registered with the plant of production must be registered with the Department of Agriculture as specified in this instruction.


2. Steps and procedures for registration of production facilities

    2.1. Application for registration of production facilities


       Individuals, legal entities or organizations that intends to register a plant of production must submit an application in the form ກກພ 17 as attached Annex 1 of this Instruction or can be downloaded on the Department of Agriculture's website with complete the set of documents as specified in Article 2.2 of this instruction to the relevant provincial agricultural sector for consideration.


2.2. Assembling a set of documents


The application documents for registration of production facilities are as follows:


< >Application form in the form ກກພ 17 as Annex 1 of this instruction;A copy of the agricultural and forestry business license;A copy of the final annual tax return certificate;Operations manual on plant production and entrepreneurship pest management schemes in Form ກກພ 18 as Annex 2 of this instruction;Letter of Attorney and a copy of the identity card of the applicant in case of representative submits the application on their behalf;There is a requested from the importing country;There is a requested from the person who has received the registration certificate of the production plant;There are serious violations of the laws and this decision; 


After receiving a suspension notice from the Department of Agriculture, the owner of the production plant must review the cause and find a solution or improve it to normal condition in accordance to the technical principles at a certain time.


           In case of the owner of the production plant fails to amend or improve within the required time, the Department of Agriculture shall revoke the registration of the establishment production plant in accordance with the laws.




               2.7. Rights and obligations of the licensee of the production plant


Licensee of production plant have the rights and obligations as following:


< >Receive information on the management of production plant;Study the regulations related to the place of production;Facilitate plant quarantine authorities to inspect plant production establishments and support relevant documents and information;Comply with phytosanitary safety measures as specified in the plant production manual and its pest management plan;Store information on production plant facilities;Propose to the relevant organizations for violations of laws and regulations of employees and authorities;Pay fees, charges and other obligations in accordance with the laws and regulations. 


< >ImplementationThe Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Forestry at the provincial level is responsible for coordinating with the relevant departments, disseminating, monitoring and inspecting the effective implementation of this instruction;Provide the Department of Agriculture to develop manuals and training on agricultural practices at the provincial level on the principles, procedures and methods of inspection and registration of production plants;In the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry, guide and support the provincial agricultural sector in inspecting and approving the inspection of production plants;In practice, if there are difficulties that must report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry follow the steps to consider solutions in a timely manner.On behalf of Minister


(Seal and signature)

Bounkhuang Khambounheung


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