The 3rd National Trade Facilitation Conference (Video Conference) was officially convened via teleconference on the morning of 17 December 2020, H.E. Dr. Sonexay Siphandone, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Planning and Investment and Head of the National Trade Facilitation Committee, was the chair, together with the Minister of Industry and Commerce (Deputy Head of the National Trade Facilitation Committee), Deputy Ministries, Provincial Deputy Governors, the National and Provincial Trade Facilitation Committee members, Director General/Deputy Director General of the Departments, Head/Deputy Head of Divisions and Division of Industry and Commerce in Vientiane/Vientiane Capital and other trade facilitation members around the nation.


The purpose of this meeting is to report one year progressive results of the implementing trade facilitation in Lao PDR under the guidance of the level of National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) and Provincial Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC). There are 5 main issues which are: 1) Improving border checkpoint units in accordance with Decree No. 558/GOL. 2) Proposal to revise contents of the Order No.12/PM on seal container certification for the export. 3) The issue of issuance documents for the movement of goods within the country that are overlaps between the provincial and district levels without complying with regulations. 4) The VAT exemption promotion for investment projects that purchased to local producers which linked to the revision of some articles of the value-added tax law and the investment promotion law. 5) Establishment of legislation to support the implementation of risk management activities at checkpoints, both direct and indirect issues effect to border checkpoints where is from central/provincial and district levels.


Mrs Khemmani Pholsena, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Deputy Head of the National Trade Facilitation Committee claim that in the last one year Lao PDR has completed 50% the Category A, B and C on the WTO TFA which has 18 main measures and 36 sub-measures. The WTO Member must perform and complete all measures and report the results. Thus Laos has been issued the Decision No. 002/NTFC in order to approve for creating legislations, making plans, formulating and amending relevant legislation on licensing, import-export certification and movement of goods. Therefore, there are 51 measures that link to 17 departments of 11 relevant ministries. Currently, 07 measures have been updated, 40 measures are being developed and amended and 04 measures have been delayed. The updated measures is the Customs Law (Revised) No.81/NA, dated 29 June 2020 with the Notification No. 10036/DOC, dated 11 December 2019 in order to facilitate the inspection of goods. The problem of setting up checkpoints along the road is related to three sections: the traffic police, the weighing station and the customs department. The Minister added further information that the Trade Facilitation Secretariat has coordinated with the LBF Secretariat of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry to resolve and complete 9 issues surrounding trade facilitation, with 21 issues still in the process of being resolved and 08 issues still under consideration.


H.E.Dr. Sonexay Siphandone, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the National Trade Facilitation Committee stated that trade facilitation is a crucial task for many countries, including Lao PDR, as we have tried to improve and resolve difficulties in order to have a better business environment within the country. In addition, promoting the local business competitiveness to be attracting foreign investments to Lao PDR. Furthermore, the trade facilitation aims to achieve and complete for implementation a condition as a member within the region and international parties. H.E.Dr. Sonexay Siphandone added more information that PDR was ranked 154th out of 190 in 2019 and the 9th out of ASEAN group, which was better than Myanmar, however, we still need to continue our afford to be able to achieve a greater ranking level in the future. Frankly speaking that the outcome in the last year was satisfied in terms of the 5th years' implementations which were followed to the 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2016-2020). The satisfaction has shown to the achievement of improving the rules, procedures and time for issuing licenses, certifying the import-export of goods; Improving the operation process at checkpoints by applying the principles of risk management; Solving problems of the business sector and others, including monitoring and evaluation and detailed planning of future work.


At the end of the meeting, the Chair urged among members of the National and Provincial Trade Facilitation Committee is actively responding and contributing to cooperate in the most effective and efficient in order to have the right mechanism of internal and external coordination in achieving the most trade facilitation.

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