Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Committee on Prevention, Control

and Address disease outbreaks of COVID-19

Reference no.2857/MoFA

Vientiane Capital, Date: 16 December 2020


Guideline on

Documentation Procedure on Entry-Depart Laos PDR

  • Pursuant to Agreement on establishment the Committee on Prevention, Control and Address new disease outbreaks, ref no. 09/PM, dated: 03 February 2020;
  • Pursuant to Notification on the implementation measures of prevention, control, against and address disease outbreaks of COVID-19, ref no.1291/PMO, dated: 26 November 2020;

 Committee on Prevention, Control and Address disease outbreaks of COVID-19 under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs inform that Now the Government of Lao PDR continue to close all both land and air border crossing of Lao PDR for prevent and against the pandemic of COVID-19 in Lao PDR and temporary suspended VISA for whom travel from countries with disease outbreaks of COVID-19.

Necessary and urgent case, Individual or legal entities intending to enter to Lao PDR which from countries and through the countries does not have disease outbreaks of COVID-19 in the community area need to following steps and measures below:

  1. Request of entry to Lao PDR:
  1. Before travelling to Lao PDR
    1. Ministries and organizations urgently need to except the experts, officers, volunteers and foreign students shall be official requesting permission from the committee under the  Ministry of foreign affairs through relevant agencies for consider approving (Located office in Department of Consular, Ministry of foreign affairs);
    2. Individual or legal entities will necessarily bring in an investor, businessmen to Lao PDR for conducting investment studies, sign contracts or sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall be following by the procedures of relevant agencies before official requesting permission from the committee under the ministry of foreign affairs, Documents include:
  1. Domestic and foreign investment license;
  2. Enterprise Registration Certificate;
  3. Annual Paid Tax Certificate;
  4. Request letter of Department of Investment Promotion, Ministry of Planning and Investment or Department of Planning and Investment of Provincial/Capital to Department of Consular, Ministry of foreign affairs for applying the VISA to enter to Lao PDR through Department of Immigration Police, Ministry of Public Security;
  5. Request letter to the committee under the ministry of foreign affairs shall be include the information below:
  • Name and Surname, passport identification and contract phone;
  • Estimated date and time of traveling;
  • Border checkpoint to entry;
  • Vehicles in traveling/flight number;
  • Travel plan details (Country of departure and country to travel through)
  • Reasons for the urgency of the traveling;
  • Places/Location will be quarantine;
  1. Hotel reservation certificate approved by the committee of central or provincial level;
    1. Companies or project owners in Lao PDR will necessarily bring in foreign workers and technicians to serve the activities and projects shall be follow by the procedures of relevant agencies before official requesting permission from the committee of ministry of foreign affairs, Documents include:
  1. Investment license in Lao PDR;
  2. Enterprise Registration Certificate;
  3. Annual Paid Tax Certificate;
  4. Quotas licensing for using the foreign workers from Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare;
  5. Licensing of Import foreign workers from Department of Labor of Provincial/Capital;
  6. Request letter from entrepreneurs to Department of Consular, Ministry of foreign affairs for applying the VISA to enter Lao PDR through Department of Immigration Police, Ministry of Public Security;
  1. Request letter to the committee of ministry of foreign affairs shall be include the information below:
  • Name and Surname, passport identification and contract phone;
  • Estimated date and time of traveling;
  • Border checkpoint to entry;
  • Vehicles in travel/flight number;
  • Travel plan details (Country of departure and country to travel through)
  • Reasons for the urgency of the traveling;
  • Places/Location will be quarantine;
  1. Hotel reservation certificate approved by the committee of central or provincial level;
    1. For Lao citizens who intend to travel to Lao PDR shall be register at the Embassy or Consulate of the Lao PDR in the country of residence by informing personal information, name and contact phone of coordinator in Lao PDR, cause of residue, estimate date and time of traveling, vehicles in traveling/flight number, border checkpoint to entry, places/location will be quarantine (Hotels or Quarantines centers under determined of the committee in central and provincial) for considering and find the way to Lao PDR;
    2. Office of the Diplomatic Representative, International Organizations urgently need to except the diplomats and officers for both short-term and long-term mission in Lao PDR shall be request the official letter to relevant agencies under the ministry of foreign affairs by informing name and surname, estimate date and time of traveling, vehicles in traveling/flight number, border checkpoint to entry, places/location will be quarantine and country to travel through, then department of consulate, ministry of foreign affairs will consider under the relevant internal regulations and procedures of Lao PDR;
    3. All requesting to enter to Lao PDR shall be sent to the committee under the ministry of foreign affairs for approval before traveling to Lao PDR at least 07 working days.
  1. After permission from committee under the ministry of foreign affair to enter Lao PDR must be following below:
    1. Individuals with valid VISA can enter to Lao PDR (But shall be authorized by committee under the ministry of foreign affairs first);
    2. For individuals without VISA, after obtaining a type of VISA from department of consulate, ministry of foreign affairs will be able to apply for a VISA from Embassy or Consulate of Lao PDR in the country of residence.
  1. Request for departure from Lao PDR:
  1. For Lao citizens who necessarily urgent depart from Lao PDR to aboard shall be approved from your organization and request to committee under the ministry of foreign affairs to facilitate travel but shall be comply with relevant laws and regulations of destination country;
  2. For both Lao citizens and foreigner who have diseases and need regular treatment (Diseases cannot be cured in Lao PDR) necessarily urgent depart from Lao PDR to aboard for medical treatment should have patient referral from the state hospital or health checkup appointment from destination country and shall be comply with relevant laws and regulations of destination country;
  3. For foreigner who necessarily urgent depart from Lao PDR to aboard shall be request to your Embassy in Lao PDR and shall be comply with relevant laws and regulations of destination country; relevant embassy shall be request to ministry of foreign affairs and inform name, passport identification, estimate date and time of traveling, border checkpoint to departure, vehicles in traveling/flight number for considering to facilitate.


  1. Additional instructions for preventing measures, control and address disease outbreak of COVID-19 to entry-depart Lao PDR shall be followed by the guideline of Committee on Prevention, Control and Address new disease outbreaks COVID-19 and strictly implement periodically;
  2. This guideline replaces the guideline ref no.1861/MOF, dated: 31 July 2020 and effective after the date of signing until a new version replaces.


Committee on Prevention, Control and Address disease outbreaks of COVID-19

Head of Committee under MoFA

[Sign and Seal]

Mr. Thongsavanh PHOMVIHAN

Deputy Minister                            

# Title Download
1 Instructions on how to apply for an entry-exit permit to Lao PDR, No. 2857/MOFA.NOC-19, dated 16 December 2020 PDF
2 ຄໍາແນະນໍາ ກ່ຽວກັບຂັ້ນຕອນລະອຽດໃນການປະກອບເອກະສານຂໍອະນຸຍາດ ເຂົ້າ-ອອກ ສປປ ລາວ, ເລກທີ 2857/ຕປທ.ສພຫ, ລົງວັນທີ 16 ທັນວາ 2020 PDF
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