The value of Lao PDR's imports and exports in the first six months of 2021 was totally US$ 6,784 million (including import and export figures of electricity) which was equivalent to 52.3% of the plan for 2021 and increased to 27.2% comparing to the same period of 2020. The value of exports had US$ 3,760 million which was increased to 33.4% and completed to 57.1% of the plan for 2021. The value of imports had US$ 3,025 million which was increased to 20.2% and completed to 47.4% of the plan for 2021. In fact, the figure of six months that achieve the trade surplus of US$ 735 million. However, if we do not include electricity imports and exports, there will still be a deficit of about US$ 85 million.

The main exports commodities of Laos were electricity, gold, cassava, copper ore, paper, bananas and clothing. The main imports were fuel, vehicles and spare parts, mechanical equipment, construction equipment and electrical appliances. In addition, in the first six months of this year, the highest export productions were gold which was increased more than four times comparing to the same period last year, increasing to 50.8% of electrical appliances, cassava was raised into 31%, increasing 26% of banana and rubber increased 103%.


Top 5 countries imported from Laos

The top five countries that Lao commodities exported: Thailand with the value of US$ 1.331 million, China was worth to US$ 1.314, Vietnam US$ 734 million, Japan US$ 43 million and Germany US$ 39 million.

Top 5 countries Laos imported

The top five countries that Lao imported : Thailand with the value of US$ 1.480 million, China US$ 660 million, Vietnam US$ 255 million, Japan US$ 87 million and USA US$ 127 million.


Note: the statistics are from the Department of Customs from January-June 2021 and the figures of import and export electricities was from the six months report of Ministry of Enery and Mines, No. 699/MoEM, date 18 June 2021.


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