(Unofficial translation)


Ministry of Agriculture and Forest      No 0117/MOFA
Vientiane, 17 January 2022


To: Provincial and Vientiane Capital Head of the Agriculture and Forestry Division.

Subject: Notification to stop the permission of export black coal

  • Pursuant to the Law on Forestry, No.64/NA, dated 13 June 2019;
  • Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decree on the Organization and Operation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, No. 603/PM, dated 15 October 2021;
  • Pursuant to the Order of the Prime Minister on strengthening the management and inspection of logging, timber movement and timber business No. 15 / PM, dated 13 May 2016;
  • Pursuant to the decision of the Minister of Industry and Commerce on the approval of the list of wood products for export. No.0851/MOIC, dated 14 September 2021.

     The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry would like to inform that there were many localities that have issued permits to move black charcoal, which is claimed to be black charcoal produced from plantations, and in large quantities to be exported to foreign countries through points such as train stations, international checkpoints and other traditional checkpoints. Inspections have shown that the black charcoal was from natural wood and unlicensed charcoal in large numbers. The issue creates more threats and destructions to the natural forest and a violation of Forest Law No. 64/NA, date 13 June 2019 in article no. 95, 96, and 98 and against the Prime Minister’s Order No. 15/PM, date 13 May 2016 (no.8). Furthermore, regarding the Decision of the Minister’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce, No.0851/MOIC, dated 14 September 2021 and the instruction of the Minister’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No.0054/MOAF, dated 09 June 2016 (Article 5.6), Notification No. 0073/MOAF, dated 3 November 2016 (Article 6 and 7) and other relevant regulations. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry would like to inform you to do the following:

1. Stopping issuance of permits in exporting black coal;

2. Conduct inspections and inventory of charcoal factories and charcoal kilns in the province. If there is a permit to establish and operate a business but there is no clear and accurate source of raw materials in accordance with the regulations, production should be suspended. For charcoal factories, charcoal incinerators that are not allowed to set up and operation shall be abolished and legal action shall be taken.

3. White charcoal made from Cratoxylum sp, charcoal briquettes, or sawdust pellets can be exported in accordance with Decree No.0851/MOIC, dated 14 September 2021 (Article 1, Appendix II, Items 2.1 and 2.2) on the basis of raw materials (timber) to be extracted. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs or companies engaged in the business of producing and exporting white charcoal must be allowed to establish, register in accordance with the rules and regulations. They must have a plan to encourage and promote the cultivation of Cratoxylum sp in order to ensure their continuous production, including the management of raw materials and the management of non-compliance.

4. Nomination the Department of Forest Inspection and the Department of Forestry in collaboration with the relevant parties to encourage and strictly monitor the implementation of this notification.

     Therefore, we would like to inform you to know and implement the contents of this notification.


Dr. Phet Phomphiphak


# Title Download
1 Notification to stop the permission of export black coal, No. 0117/MOAF, date 17 January 2022. PDF
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