Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture No.0183/DOA
Vientiane Capital, date 31 January 2023
On the Phytosanitary requirement for export watermelons
from Lao PDR to the Republic of China
According to the Law on Plant Protection and Quarantine No. 13/NA, dated 13 November 2016;
According to Agreement of the Minister regarding the establishment and operations of the Department of Agriculture No. 0078/DOA, dated 12 January 2022;
According to the Regulations on the Phytosanitary requirement concerning the export of watermelons from the Lao PDR to China, dated 11 June 2019.
In recent times, the government has promoted policies that encourage the production of crops as commercial goods, leading to increased exchanges and trade in agricultural products both regionally and internationally. Notably, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has signed an agreement with the General Administration of Customs of China regarding to the Phytosanitary requirement for the export of watermelons from the Lao PDR to Republic of China. It has been observed that watermelon cultivation in various areas has generated income for the population and contributed positively to the socio-economic development of the nation. However, the promotion of these activities has not yet fully aligned with the agreement, particularly regarding production systems, monitoring systems, and the management of plant pests in orchards, treatment processes, cleanliness management of packaging house, and record-keeping procedures.
To ensure that the management of watermelon production and export becomes systematic, independent, transparent, and complies with the agreements on the Phytosanitary requirement for exports from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China, along with the laws, regulations, and treaties on international plant protection that the Lao PDR and the People’s Republic of China are both parties.
Department of Agriculture guides:
I. Purpose and Objective
- To comply with the agreement on the Phytosanitary requirement for the export of watermelons from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China;
- To provide guidelines on the procedures and methods for implementing the Phytosanitary requirement for exports in a consistent and independent manner across the country.
II. Plant Health Conditions for the Export of Watermelons from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China
1. Watermelon Types
The watermelon to be exported from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China under the Phytosanitary Requirement Agreement must be of the exportable variety, scientifically known as Citrullus lanatus, commonly referred to in English as "watermelon," and must be fresh, unprocessed watermelon.
2. Quarantine Pests
The watermelon exported from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China must be free from contamination by stems, leaves, and soil, and must not carry any quarantine pests as specified by the Chinese authorities. These include the following:
No. Science name Common Name Characteristics
1 Aleurodicus Spiralling white fly insect with a small body shape, the nymph stage is white in color, the body is covered with a white waxy coating, and in the adult stage, it has white wings.
2 Bactrocera cucurbitae Melon fruit fly The adult is dark brown, with yellowish-orange stripes on both sides. The legs have black spines similar to the (T) type. The body length is still small, but it is capable of damaging maize crops.
3 Bactrocera dorslis Oriental fruit fly The adult: The other part is dark brown with yellowish-orange stripes on both sides of the legs. The lower part of the legs has black spines similar to the (T) type. The body length is small, ranging from 7.5 - 10 cm, with the head being dark brown. The small head enters the damage of the fruit.
4 Bactrocera papayae Papaya fruit fly The other part is dark brown with yellow-orange stripes on both sides of the legs. The lower part is dark brown, and the legs have black spines along the sides, measuring 8-10 cm long. The head is dark brown.
5 Bactrocera tau Fruit fly The other part is dark brown with yellow-orange stripes on both sides of the legs. The lower part is dark brown, and the legs have black spines along the sides, with a length of 8-10 cm. The head is dark brown.
6 Bactrocera zonata Peach fruit fly It has a similar appearance to the yellow moth but is distinguished by the lower part of the legs having black markings along the upper edge, while the other side of the back is dark brown.
7 Cladosporium cucumerinum Fruit blight The seed spot disease caused by the fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum presents symptoms on the seeds, where the seed coat has water-soaked spots resembling damage caused by a fungal infection.
8 Acidovorax avenae subsp citrulli Bacterial fruit blotch The bacterial disease caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli begins at the seedling stage and can spread until the later stages of fruiting. Symptoms on the fruit resemble water-soaked lesions.
9 Cucumber green mottle moisac virus White break mosiac The white leaf disease is caused by the Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus. This virus damages all parts of the seed, with the seed not being fully developed. The leaves and seeds show abnormal shapes, and the seed coating is typically damaged.
3. Garden Management
The watermelon intended for export to China must have pest control measures in place for quarantine pests, and integrated garden management must be implemented, as follows:
1) The management of agricultural farms should comply with good agricultural practices (GAP) to ensure the safety and quality of the products such as: regulations regarding land history and management, the use of planting methods, the use of fertilizers and soil amendments, water usage, the use of chemicals, crop harvesting and management, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene, pest and plant pest control, individual hygiene management, maintaining product quality, product storage and distribution, monitoring and review, training, documentation, and regular audits.
2) Managing plant pests in the garden must follow Integrated Pest Management (IPM), such as: using pheromone traps and yellow traps, maintaining garden cleanliness, collecting damaged fruit, pruning branches and leaves, and using beneficial tree insects. If pests are found, appropriate methods should be applied, such as collecting pest-infested plant debris and using other suitable control measures.
3) Entrepreneurs must keep detailed records related to monitoring and managing plant pests, such as: the name of the pesticide, the application period, the active ingredients, the quantity used, the number of applications, and other relevant information. These records must be stored properly and be available during inspections by the responsible authorities.
4) Production sites must have preventive measures and controls to manage the spread of COVID-19 in relation to production and the personnel involved.
4. Packaging house
The internal management of the packaging house must be implemented as follows:
1) The packaging materials must be carefully selected to exclude seeds that are broken, diseased, or contaminated with pests, dirt, and other undesirable parts.
2) The management of packaging materials and the control of pests should include controlling insects, pests, and white mold, which could be carried by the seeds. Proper pest control should be done with appropriate chemicals following the collection process.
3) The packaging materials must be clean, unused previously, and must comply with the relevant health regulations for agricultural products as determined by the respective standards of the country.
4) Each batch of packaging must be labeled or stamped with legible characters on both the top and side. The label should be written in English, indicating the export country, along with details such as the company name, variety, seed code, packaging plant code, and the date of packaging as follow:
- Export to the People’s Republic of China…………………………………….
- Name of the exporting company: ……………………………………………..
- Fruit type: ……………………………………………………………………..
- Orchard register number: ……………………………………………………..
- Packaging house register number: ……………………………………………
- Packaging date: ……………………………………………………………….
5) After packaging, the products must be stored in a clean location to avoid contamination from pests and to maintain their quality.
5. Registration
Individuals, legal persons, or organizations involved in the planting, packaging, and storage of agricultural products must be registered or apply for registration with the relevant authorities according to the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. This should be done at each stage by submitting an application to the Department of Agriculture by the end of August each year.
The application for registration must include the following:
1) A completed application form as specified by the Agricultural Extension Office;
2) A copy of the permit for agricultural and forestry activities;
3) A copy of the certification for the latest annual environmental impact assessment;
4) A manual for operations related to health and safety in agriculture and plant safety;
5) A certificate of ownership and a copy of the identity card for those submitting the application on behalf of others.
The registration certificate is valid for one year and can be renewed. Individuals who have registered and received approval will be published on the website of the Tax Administration of the People's Republic of China, which will include their name, address, and registration number.
6. Measures for Phytosanitary before export
Individuals, legal entities, or organizations recognized as authorized exporters by the Tax Administration of the People's Republic of China must implement the following measures:
1) A request must be submitted according to the specified format by the Department of Agriculture or agriculture sector in provincials, including all related documents. For conditions, procedures, and methods for submitting a plant safety certificate, it must follow the guidelines of Department Agriculture No. 2880/DOA, dated 11 November 2019.
2) In the first year of the export process, the Department of Agriculture will coordinate with the responsible authorities in the Republic of China to inspect the production areas in the Lao PDR. The inspection will cover the production sites and evaluate the management system of the watermelon plant, according to the phytosanitary guidelines in this recommendation document. The exporter must bear all associated costs according to the specified procedures.
3) In the second year of the export process, a group must collect and inspect samples at a rate of 20% of each batch of products. If no plant pests are found, the inspection rate can be reduced to 10% in the third year. After this inspection, the remaining samples should be sent for laboratory testing to detect any pests.
4) If a case of plant pests is detected as specified in Section II, Article 2 of this guideline, the export of the affected batch of products is prohibited. The exporter must immediately report the situation to the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in order to address the issue at the production site and find a solution to prevent further infestation. This measure is designed to ensure that only pest-free products are exported, maintaining the integrity of the agricultural export process.
5) In cases where the plant inspector responsible for pest control does not detect any pest infestation, they must issue a phytosanitary certificate for the batch of products in question. Additionally, the inspector must include a declaration stating: "This consignment of watermelon complies with the Protocol on the phytosanitary requirements for the exports of watermelon from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China and is free from any quarantine pests of concern to the People’s Republic of China."
6) For consignments of watermelon, the plant inspector responsible for issuing the phytosanitary certificate must also provide specific information related to the import requirements set by the Chinese Customs Authority.
7. Measures on quarantine at import border
When importing watermelon products from the Lao PDR to the customs entry points of the People's Republic of China, the owner of the goods must submit documents to the relevant plant quarantine authorities of China for inspection of the related documents.
The importation of goods from production areas that are not registered is strictly prohibited.
If an inspection finds plant pests specified in Appendix II, Article 2 of this guideline, the goods will be returned, destroyed, or direct to plant quarantine measures to eliminate the pests effectively. The Chinese authorities will notify the Lao side immediately about the type of pest, the certificate number of the phytosanitary certificate, and other relevant information, including the place of origin of the watermelon products, whether from a farm or a controlled warehouse. The entrepreneurs must investigate the cause and take appropriate measures to prevent further occurrences.
In the case of an outbreak or new species of plant pests detected at the customs entry points of the People's Republic of China, documentation must be provided. The exporter must cooperate in assessing the risk and take appropriate actions, including recording the pest information, conducting plant quarantine measures, and implementing control measures to mitigate the risk of pests as mentioned.
III. Implementation
1. Quarantine Division, Agriculture sector, in collaboration with other relevant departments, is responsible for supervising and monitoring the implementation of this guideline to ensure its effectiveness.
2. Quarantine Division must submit a list of individuals, legal entities, or organizations involved in the export of watermelon products to the People’s Republic of China for review, once a year or as necessary, in collaboration with the agriculture sector and their respective networks to assess the risk and implement measures to prevent plant pest outbreaks during the production season.
3. Quarantine Division should act as the central coordinator in working with the planting department and relevant agencies, consolidating reports related to the export of watermelon products from the Lao PDR to the People’s Republic of China and reporting to the Department Agriculture in each term.
4. The relevant authorities in Quarantine Division must rigorously inspect and confirm the shipment of watermelon products according to technical standards.
5. In organizing the practical implementation, any necessary issues, difficulties, or challenges should be promptly reported to the Department of Agriculture for evaluation and timely solutions
This guideline is effective from the date of its signing.
Director General
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