Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Public Security      No. 799/MPS
Vientiane Capital, dated 13 June 2012


To: Ministries, Offices, Organizations, Provincial Office, Vientiane Capital Office, Businesses and other relevant agencies.

Subject: Importation of gun and bullet for sportive purposes.                     

  • Pursuant to the Public Security Law No. 03/NA, dated 2 July 2007;
  • Pursuant to the Decree on Structure and Activities of the Ministry of Public Security No.79/PM, dated 2 February 2007; and
  • Pursuant to the request from Ordinance Department, General Police Department

To ensure public security and to strictly and effectively implement such legislations, the Minister of Public Security hereby issued the Notification, as follows:

  1. The import of guns and bullets for sportive purposes as defined in the Lao PDR’s Customs Nomenclature of 9303 shall obtain an import license from the Ministry of Public Security.
  2. Lao National Shooting Sport Federation has the rights to apply the import license of guns and bullets for sportive purposes.
  3. The Ministry of Public Security considers the issuance of an import license of guns and bullets for sportive purposes, as following products:

3.1. Any sport guns for sportive competition, referred to rules of the International Shooting Sport Federation, Asian Shooting Sport Federation and International Olympic Committee.

  • Any air pistols with the barrel size of 4.5 mm and the fire range of 10 metres as below:
  • Firebow;
  • Walther;
  • Hammeri;
  • Starter gun/pistol;
  • Pardini.
  • Any air rifles with the barrel size of 4.5 mm and the fire range of 10 metres as below:
  • Firebow;
  • Unsuit;
  • Walther;
  • Starter gun/pistol;
  • Any pistol .22 with the barrel size of 5.6 mm and the fire range of 25 metres as below:
  • Firebow;
  • Unsuit;
  • Walther.
  • Any pistol .22 with the fire range of 25 metres as below:
  • Tot;
  • Modini;
  • Pardini.
  • Any rifle .22 with the barrel size of 4.5 mm and the fire range of 50 metres as below:
  • Firebow;
  • Walther;
  • Hammeri;
  • Starter gun
  • Any pistol with the barrel size of 7.62 mm to 9.62 mm.
  • Any shotguns No.12 for shooting flying targets as below:
  • Baretta;
  • Ammunition (bullet) No.12;
  • I.P.S.C gun:
  • Walther no.99;
  • STI;
  • Fire arm with the fire range of 300 meters

3.2. Ammunition

  • Air pistol or rifle bullets;
  • .22 pistol or rifle bullets;
  • .32 bullets;
  • 99 mm bullets;
  • 40 bullets;
  • 38 super bullets.

3.3. Technical accessories for shooters, spotting telescopes, shooting ear protection, shooting glasses and shooting costumes.

3.4. Technical equipments to be used at shooting arena.

The imported rifles and pistols shall have a fire range less than 300 meters and 50 meters, respectively. The import of rifles and pistols with exceeded fire-range distances is not allowed.

  1. The procedure for the import of guns and bullets for sportive purposes, the Provincial, Vientiane Capital Shooting Federation, or equivalent organizations shall submit the proposal letter with the list of guns and bullets which will be imported through the Ministry of Education and Sports and Lao National Shooting Sport Federation for verification, and then submit these documents to the Ministry of Public Security for consideration.
  2. Lao National Shooting Sport Federation (LNSSF) administrates the guns and bullets used for sports and issues the Identity Card for carrying guns to the shooter (athletes) and LNSSF is also responsible to report periodically to the Ministry of Public Security.
  3. Family Book Management and Grass-Root Level Development Department, Military Operation Department, General Logistic Department, Ministry of Public Security shall monitor, inspect and register the use of guns and bullets for sportive purposes, including their accessories and equipments, in order to ensure the rightful utilization in accordance with sportive purpose.
  4. The Cabinet, General Logistic Department and Family Book Management and Grass-Root Level Development Department, Ministry of Public Security shall coordinate with relevant authorities to strictly implement this Notification.
    Ministries, Offices, Organizations at Provincial, Vientiane Capital and other relevant agencies shall acknowledge and cooperate in implementing this Notification effectively.
  5. This Notification shall be effective from the date of signature.

Minister of Public Security,
[Signed and sealed]


# Title Download
1 Notification on Importation of Guns and Bullets for Sports No. 799/MPS PDF
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Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to obtain import license - Firearms Licensing Requirement Ministry of Public Security The import of firearms (gun for sports) and billets for sport purpose need to obtain import permit from the Ministry of Public Securuty. Notification on Importation of Guns and Bullets for Sports No. 799/MPS 9999-12-31 ALL
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