1. Application for permission to import cassava planting material

1.1. Condition for application and importation
1.2. Documents required for application
1.3. Evaluation of application

2. Inspection of Plant Protection Border Check Point

2.1. Application for Inspection
2.2. Physical inspection
2.3. Phytosanitary inspection
2.4. Measure on suspected infestation of planting material

3. Desimination of information and Creation of public awareness

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                   
Department of Agriculture               No 1085 /DOA
Vientiane, dated 13 September, 2011


To:   Head of Provincial and Capital City of Agricultural Offices Throughout the Country

Subject: Phytosanitary Measure for Importing Cassava Planting Material from Foreign Country

  • Pursuant to the Plant Protection Law Not 06/NA Dated 9 December, 2008;
  • Pursuant to ministerial ordinance on tightly monitoring and preventing cassava mealy bug’s outbreak  No 1501/MAF, dated 23 March, 2011
  • Pursuant to technical guidance on protection and control measure of cassava mealy bug No 0879/DOA dated 22 July, 2011

In order to facilitate the supply of cassava planting material, particularly the importation from foreign country, meets the designed quality and free from pest, it requires a mechanism, base on the Plant Protection Law of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, which is the transparency system to control the import and supply of cassava planting material with the aim to prevent infestation of pest in planting material and widely spreading out within the country, this will cause  severe damage on the major economic crop and plan variety resource of the country. Therefore, Department of Agriculture issues phytosanitary measures for importation of planting material as follows:

1. Application for permission to import cassava planting material (Manihot esculenta Crantz):

The Importer shall set out the import plan in advance to prepare for submiting designed information and applying for import permit base on the condition and procedures as follows:

1.1. Condition for application and importation

  1. Condition for application
  • Importer shall acknowledge and understand the context of enforcement of the Plant Protection Law.
  • Cassava planting material shall be a registered variety from Department of agriculture
  • The import material shall be used for growing in specific area as defined in the plan for production and use
  • Importer shall have the import and production plan to assist the monitoring and inspection of relevant authority.
  1. Condition for importation
  • leave, branch, root and soil shall be removed from the import planting material
  • Stem used as planting materials shall be cut  with long 1 meter  50 centimeter and 10 stems are tied together in rope
  • The transporting vehicle shall free from branch, leave, soil or root of cassava and use the sheet to cover the planting material during shipment.
  • The import planting material should not infest harmful pests including Pink mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti),  Jack Beardsley mealybug (Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi), striped mealybug (Ferrisia Virgata), Green mealybug (Phenaccocus madeirensis), whitefly   (Aleurodicus dispersus Russell), mite  (Tetranychus truncates and Oligonychus biharensis), Anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), brown leaf spot (Cercospora henningii ), Blight Leaf Sopt (Cercospora viscosae ), Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas camprestis pv. Manihotis), cassava mosaic virus. Top

1.2. Documents required for application

Before exporting the consignment from the country of origin, Importer shall submit application as prescribed form and relevant documents to Department of Agriculture as follows:

  • Application form       (Model in Appendix 1)
  • Nomination letter (if the representative is appointed)
  • Registration certificate of cassava variety
  • Report of production source of planting material  and pest list  (Model in appendix 2)
  • Plan for import and use of cassava planting material (Model in appendix 3)
  • Packing list, commercial invoice. Top

1.3. Evaluation of application

The Department of Agriculture will appoint a relevant technical committee to conduct pest risk analysis (PRA) base on the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measure (ISPM) upon received the application and verify that all documents are valid and completed. the result of PRA will be released within 7 days and the specific phytonitary requirement needed to be applied  for importation of cassava planting material will be established.  This requirement must be acknowledged in the form of mutual agreement between DOA and applicant and that will be used as reference for monitoring, inspection and implementation. Department of Agriculture will issue the import permit when the mutual agreement is signed by 2 sides.

In case the PRA cannot be finalized within 7 days or the importers show critical reason to import in advanced, Department of Agriculture will evaluate and inform the importer in writing on the provision import requirement by which planting material shall be strictly quarantined and used under supervision of designed plant protection officer.

The Importer shall declare the import permit and acknowledged letter issued by DOA to the competence authority of exporting country to proceed the issuance of the Phytosanitary Certificate. Top

2. Inspection of Plant Protection Border Check Point

2.1. Application for Inspection

The Importer shall declare relevant documents for inspection at the Plant Protection Border Check Point in advance before the consignment arrive at the point of entry, the required document are as follows:

  • Application form for inspection
  • Import permit (issued by Department of Agriculture)
  • Registration Certificate of Plant Variety
  • Phytosanitary Certificate (issued by competence authority of exporting country)
  • Acknowledge letter on Phytosanitary requirement (between DOA and importer)
  • Packing list and Commercial invoice

   Following verify that the submitted documents are valid and completed; the plant protection officer and importer shall make the plan to arrange schedule for the time and place to conduct inspection of cassava planting material in the time of actual import. Top

2.2. Physical inspection

The plant protection officer shall conduct inspection on the quantity and type of import consignment which shall be complied with the information stated in the declared documents particularly the phytosanutary import requirement of cassava planting material defined  in acknowledge letter. Top

2.3. Phytosanitary inspection

When the inspection defined in article 2.2. is done, plant protection officer shall continually conduct the phytosanitary inspection in detail by the procedure as follows:

2.3.1. Sampling number

The plant protection officer shall collect the sample randomly from both inside and outside of the consignment, the number of taken sample will be vary base on the actual import number as follows:


Total Number of stem in the shipment (lot size)

Number of sampling



Less than or equal to 1,500 stems

1501 - 10,000 stems

450 stems

20% of total import

Remark: In case the number of importation is greater than 10,000 stems, the exceeding stems shall be divided into new lot and follow the sampling number as prescript in the table accordingly.

2.3.2. Detection for pest infestation

The plant protection officer shall use the hand lend to inspect the cassava stem collected from the lot of consignment or collect any suspect sample to detail inspect under microscope with magnification 10 to 20 times in particular the cassava planting material imported from the country where has the report of pest outbreak. The inspection shall rely on information of biology, lifecycle and damage symptom according to specific case as follows:

  • For insect pest, the inspection shall detect the egg, immature and adult of mealy bug infesting on the cassava stem, care should be taken on the tip of stem which has the mealy bug or hole damage by another insect pest.
  • For Disease, the inspection shall detect the symptom such as soak rot and water drop, black or dark brow wound, appearance of mycelium or propagule of fungi.

2.3.3. Sample dispatch for diagnostic and scientific evidence

When the insect pest is intercepted, plant part where has infestation of pest in difference stages shall be collected and preserved in enclosed bottle contain alcohol    70 % concentration. In case the planting material shows the symptom of disease, the infested plant part shall be collected into enclosed plastic bag and  keep in low temperature 15 °C during the preservation period. All information related to the sample shall be noted in the inspection report and the sample shall be sent to diagnostic at plant protection center. Top

2.4. Measure on suspected infestation of planting material

When the regulated pest is detected after collecting sample, the plant protection officer shall report to the Department of Agriculture in writing to identify the phytosanitary measure and coordinate with the Provincial Agriculture Office where is the growing area of the import planting material to conduct phytosanitary action and supervision. Top

3. Desimination of information and Creation of public awareness

The Provincial Agriculture offices and the Plant Protection Border Check Points shall disseminate information to local administrative authority and stakeholders including producer, importer and border authorities on the target pests that can be infested with the importation of cassava planting material, import requirement, procedure for applying the import permit and declaring document at the plant protection border check point to facilitate the import and ensure the quality of cassava planting materials that are imported from foreign country.

Therefore, this guidance is elaborated to provide a technical guideline for effectively controlling the supply of cassava. Top

Director General 
Department of Agriculture
Monthathip Chanphengxay


  • Minister and Vice Ministers
  • Department, Agency and institution within Ministry of Agriculture
  • Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry office
  • Plant Protection Border Check point
# Title Download
1 Instruction on Phytosanitary Measure for Importing Cassava Planting Material from Foreign Country No. 1085/DOA PDF
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Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Registration requirement - Cassava Planting Material Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To import cassava planting material, it is necessary to register with Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Instruction on Phytosanitary Measure for Importing Cassava Planting Material from Foreign Country No. 1085/DOA 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Requirement to obtain Import Permit - Cassava Planting Material Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the import of cassava planting materials must be permitted by the provincial/capital department of agriculture and forestry Instruction on Phytosanitary Measure for Importing Cassava Planting Material from Foreign Country No. 1085/DOA 9999-12-31 ALL
3 Inspection requirement - Cassava Planting Material Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry The imported cassava planting material shall be inspected by plant protection officer
  1. Technicality Instruction of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on the prevention measure and eradicate of pest in cassava No. 0879/MAF, date 22 July 20211
  2. Instruction on Phytosanitary Measure for Importing Cassava Planting Material from Foreign Country No. 1085/DOA
9999-12-31 ALL
4 Requirement to obtain Phytosanitary Certificate from Exporting Country - Cassava Planting Material SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry In order to import cassava Planting Material, a trader must obtain a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting country and present it to plan protection officials at the borders Instruction on Phytosanitary Measure for Importing Cassava Planting Material from Foreign Country No. 1085/DOA 9999-12-31 ALL
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