The objectives of the meeting were to discuss “Rice Exporting”, specifically, information exchange on the obstacles that rice exporters are facing currently. Additionally, it was also a forum for exchanging information on policy and regulations to administer rice exporting between central and local.

At the meeting, representatives from government departments presented the content of major legal documents such as regulations on rice exporting in Lao PDR, regulations on collecting fees, merchandise equilibrium especially rice and utilization of the Lao PDR Trade Portal website to search for trade information. In addition, representatives of the concerned authorities from the province presented the situation on procedures for rice export in Savannakhet and listened to the report from the Director of the association on for the promotion of rice production and export on the situation on rice production and export of the business sector in Savannakhet Province.

The meeting was conducted in a dynamic atmosphere, the business sector suggested a way forward for government to consider on promoting rice exports and improving various documentary procedures, in particular, to address the elimination of exports through external border check points by farmers by turning to exports through international checkpoints in order to assist with the production of accurate statistics on rice exports. Furthermore, this would help the business sectors that harvest the rice and own the rice-mills with being able to supply market demand. Moreover, the government sector should review the taxation policy and collection of fees in order to increase competition. In order to promote rice  production and  export, related sectors should work closely to identify the types of rice that enhance exports, milled rice, paddies and the types of rice-mill that ensure the quantity and quality that customers require.

This meeting of the Trade Facilitation Secretariat (TFS) was conducted successfully as expected. Creating better understanding between government and the business sector is the major task of the Trade Facilitation Secretariat (TFS) which aims to improve facilitation of trade so as to address the real needs adequately and successfully.

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