Ministry of Industry and Commerce         No 1791/MOIC.DIMEX
Vientiane Capital, dated 30 September 2011


To:   Head of Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial, Capital.
Subject:   Procedure to issue import and export license for plantation timber.

  • Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s order no.17/PM dated 22 September 2008 on Strengthening the governance, protection of forests and collaboration in governing the forest and timber business;
  • Pursuant to the Government Secretariat’s notification no.284/GS, dated 21 February 2012 on the authorization of the rights to the Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial, Capital to approve the exportation of round wood (logs) and processed timber from plantations which are not the prohibited and special species.
  • Pursuant to the Instruction order no. 0395/MOIC, dated 25 February 2011 on elimination of obstacles which cause difficulty to the circulation of goods; and
  • Pursuant to the Notification no. 0826/MOIC.DIMEX dated 03 May 2011 on Automation and Non-automatic Import and Export Licensing in Lao PDR,

In order to promote the utilization of plantation timber in place of natural timber in future as the raw material to supply wood processing factories that produce products for domestic use and export to other countries, to facilitate business by reducing unnecessary procedures for exportation, to promote the plantation of timber and to control its management strictly and systematically

The Minister of Industry and Commerce issues the following notification:

Export licenses will be issued for plantation timber for company/factories for timber included in the annual harvesting plan of the Government and shall follow the following steps:

  1. Procedure for the exportation of plantation timber.

1.1. To request to export plantation timber which is prohibited, special and controlled timber one must proceed as follows:

1.1.1. Company/wood processing factories and furniture makers that request permission for exportation shall file the following documents: letter of intent and other relevant documents to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to verify the origin of the timber. The Permanent Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will issue a verification letter to the Permanent Office of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
1.1.2. The Department of Import and Export will consider the issuance of the export license according to the regulation and the proposal of the Permanent Office of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

1.2. To request permission to export plantation timber which is not prohibited, special and controlled timber (Eucalyptus, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium)  one shall proceed as follows:

1.2.1. Company/wood processing factories and furniture makers that request permission for the exportation shall file the following documents: letter of intent and other relevant documents to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial, Capital to verify the origin of the timber. The Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial, Capital will issue a verification letter to the Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial, Capital.
1.2.2. Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial, Capital will consider the issuance of the export license according to the regulation and the proposal of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial, Capital.

  1. Procedure for the importation of plantation timber

2.1. For the importation of round wood (logs) and processed timber

2.1.1. Company/wood processing factories and furniture makers that request permission for the importation shall file the following documents: letter of intent and other relevant documents to the Department of Import and Export for consideration.
2.1.2. Department of Import and Export will consider the issuance of the export license according to the regulations.

  1. Documents attached to a request for importation or exportation of plantation timber shall include:

3.1. For the exportation of prohibited, special and controlled species.

3.1.1. Letter from the Permanent Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to verify the origin of timber.
3.1.2. Copy of enterprise registration which allows the exercise of timber business and copy of tax registration.
3.1.3. Log list which is listed and acknowledged by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial, Capital.
3.1.4. Document to release the timber from Agriculture and Forestry sector.
3.1.5. Tax payment and Fee receipt.

3.2. For the export of plantation timber which is not prohibited, special and controlled timber (Eucalyptus, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium).

3.2.1. Letter from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial, Capital to verify the origin of timber.
3.2.2. Copy of enterprise registration which allows the exercise of timber business and copy of tax registration.
3.2.3. Log list.
3.2.4. Document to release the timber from Agriculture and Forestry sector.
3.2.5. Tax payment and Fee receipt.

3.3. For the Importation of plantation timber.

3.3.1. Letter of intent.
3.3.2. Letter from the Agriculture and Forestry sector to verify the origin of timber.
3.3.3. Export license from the exporting country.
3.3.4. Invoice.

  1. Duration of the consideration

A duly completed submitted application shall be taken into consideration immediately. Unless it is necessary to verify it again, the procedure should not take longer than 30 working days, starting from the date of submission.

  1. The Department of Import and Export, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is responsible for the study and consideration of the issuance of an export license for round wood (logs) and processed timber which are prohibited, special and controlled species for company/factories that are allowed the exercise of timber exportation business on the basis of approval by the Permanent Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
  1. The Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial, Capital is responsible for the study and consideration of the issuance of an export license for round wood (logs) and processed timber (Eucalyptus, Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium) which are not prohibited, special and controlled species for company/factories that are allowed the exercise of timber exportation business on the basis of approval by the Agriculture and Forestry sector.
  1. Validity of license and renewal of license

7.1. An import or export license is valid for 90 days and shall expire automatically if such period has elapsed.
7.2. In the case of lost, misused or partially used license during the time given, the importer or exporter must file a request to renew the validity of such license by attaching a report or certification letter from Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial, Capital to the Department of Import and Export to cancel the old license and issue a new one.
7.3. The renewal of a license may be made and shall be valid for 60 days each time. If the above conditions cannot be implemented, a disclaimer shall be automatically considered.

  1. This notification shall enter into force from the date of signature and replace notification no.0484/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 5 March 2010, Notification no. 1887/MOIC. DIMEX, dated 12 November 2008 and Timber sale regulation for plantation timber no.1862/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 5 November 2008. Any notifications that were previously promulgated by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce that conflict with this notification shall be voided.

                    Minister Of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce
[Signed and sealed]
Dr. Nam Viyaketh

Attached to:

  • Ministers of MOIC
  • Government office
  • Government Inspection Agency
  • Customs Department, Taxation Department, State property Department, MoF
  • Department of Forestry, MAF
  • Relevant Departments of MOIC
  • Provincial, Capital Administration Office
  • Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • National Timber Processing Industry Association
  • Lao Furniture Association
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1 Notification on the licensing procedure of the import and export of planted timbers No.1791/MoIC.DIMEX PDF
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