In order to facilitate the export of dried tobacco leaf and for business entrepreneurs whose business is subject to Sanitary and Phytosanitary controls to avoid a negative impact on the export of Lao PDR’s agricultural product abroad and also to ensure the implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention between member countries, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued instruction No. 0227/Cabinet. MOAF, dated 03 February, 2014 on Thailand import requirement for dried tobacco leaf.

Before exporting dried tobacco leaf from Lao PDR to the Kingdom of Thailand, the exporter is required to follow the following procedure: the importer must have the import permit issued by the Department of Agriculture, Thailand; transport must be by road and no risk of pesticide or insects should be found when inspected in Thailand; the packaging should be in good condition and clean; and must have a complete Phytosanitary Certificate.  

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