Prime Minister                                                                           Reference no.50/PM

Vientiane, date 01 April 2014



On diplomatic rights and privilege on utilization of vehicles (cars) in Lao PDR

-          Pursuant to Article 12 of the Law on Government of Lao PDR no.02/NA, dated 06 May 2003.

-          Pursuant to the letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 005794/MOFA.PD.13, dated 04 March 2014.

-          To ensure the management and utilization of diplomatic officials’ vehicles and international experts’ to Lao PDR and in conformity with the laws of Lao PDR and International treaties to which Lao PDR is signatory.

The Prime Minister decides:

Article 1:      Importation of vehicle to serve diplomats, assistants and international expert to Lao PDR.

·         A diplomat (first secretary, second secretary, third secretary and secretary), assistant to the embassy and international expert may import one vehicle with cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,500 cc for personal use and shall be exempt from taxes and duties related to such importation  during their [stay] in Lao PDR.

·         Such vehicles can be sold or given to other person, entity or organization in Lao PDR, after having been used for three years or the owner of such vehicle has completed his mission. When sold or given, the buyer (in Lao PDR) shall pay all duties, taxes and other fees and charges according to the laws of Lao PDR, return the plate number and shall immediately report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within seven days from the date of sale and transfer of the rights.

Article 2:      Issuance of a vehicle plate number to a diplomat, assistant and international expert to Lao PDR

·         The “Sor Thor” shall be issued to a diplomat or assistant to the Embassy or foreign consulate to Lao PDR.

·         The “Khor Tor” shall be issued to an international expert of an international organization, inter-non-governmental organization (INGO) currently on mission.

·         It is prohibited to utilize the Sor Thor and Khor Tor vehicle to operate a business/trade and to transport illegal goods.

Article 3:      Management of “Sor Thor and Khor Tor” number plate

·         The application for a vehicle with Sor Thor and Khor Tor number plate shall be managed centrally by the Ministry of Foreign Affaires.

·         The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall establish a one-stop service for requesting the importation and exemption of duties and taxes for temporary importation, the request to utilize the number plate and the request for an international transport permit for a vehicle with Sor Thor and Khor Tor number plate.

·         Request for payment of duties, taxes and other fees and charges for the sale and transfer of the rights of a vehicle of a diplomat, assistant to an embassy, consulate or international expert to Lao PDR.  The service shall be completed with 15 days from the date of submission of the request, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works and other relevant agencies.  Each agency shall consider the issuance of a license or reply to the Ministry of Foreign Affaires within ten days from the date of receiving an official letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

·         The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall inform the Embassy, consulate and organization in Lao PDR of an inspection [when there is a] change of vehicle’s plate number in accordance with the provisions mentioned in Article 2 of this decision within 90 days and report the sale and transfer of rights for the use of a vehicle by another person, entity and organization in Lao PDR from 2010 until the present date within 60 days from the date of receipt of the official letter.

Article 4:      The Ministry of Foreign Affaires shall collaborate with ministries and agencies to guide and facilitate the implementation of this decision for effective result.

Article 5:      Ministries, equivalent agencies, local administration and other relevant agencies shall acknowledge and strictly implement this decision.

Article 6:      This decision shall be effective from the date of signature. Any provisions and rules previously issued and conflicting with this decision shall be cancelled.


                                                                                                                                                                                                     Prime Minister

                                                                         (Signed and Sealed)

                                                                    Thongsing THAMMAVONG


# Title Download
1 Decision on the special priority and privileges for diplomatic vehicle for use in Lao PDR No.50/PM PDF
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