(Unofficial translation)


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry      No.0131/MFA.07
Vientiane Capital, Dated 18 June 2007


To:   Head of Agriculture and Forestry Department in the Capital and Provincial throughout country

Subject: Import inspection and monitoring of young and rubber seed

  • Pursuant to agriculture law, No 01/98/NA, dated 10 October 1998
  • Pursuant to the Decision of the management varieties and seed for agriculture in Lao PDR, No 0719/MOFA, dated 3 December 1997.
  • Pursuant to context of expanding rubber.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry kindly inform to acknowledgment and pay attention to implementation as follow:

As the general known that rubber is a significant wood economic of many countries in America Latin and spread to South East Asia. Lao PDR is one of the country that has cultivate rubber plant and increasing year by year; presently, rubber plantation area cover approximately 35.210 Hectare and expected to increase about 13.000 Hectare in raining season in year 2007. Since 2004, young and rubber seed has been imported approximately 1.592.999 young plant and 47.920 Kg. For year 2007, the total amount of import requested plan approximately 6.000.000 young plant; therefore, the number import seed plant expected to increase for many times.

Therefore, in order to comply with existing law, All imports must be sterilized protection by passing inflection proceed in order to protect disease and pests which might be become affected to the growing up of young rubber plants and the planted rubber; each sector who are doing rubber business, shall pay attention carefully for disease which may transmitted by import because they might be able to destroy rubber plant in each season that might be lead to negative impacts on economic growth of the country. In order to reduce negative impacts, agriculture sector shall increase attention to follow IPPC- International Plant Protection Convention in with regarding to ISPM No 20 Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system; which required documents for import young plant and rubber seed are as follows:

  1. Certificate of Origin of plant issued by relevant authorities of the country of origin.
  2. Phytosanitary Certificate of the country of origin which certified that there is no inflection disease as mentioned in this notice.
  3. Import Certificate for plants/plant products issued by Agriculture Department, MFA

Any imports, Quarantine officer at border checkpoints shall inspect documents as above mentioned with regard International Plant Protection Convention.

Here are types of important diseases:

  1. South American Leaf Blight-SALB affected by Microcyclus ulei that may destroy leaf for each growing period of young and old plant. The destroy leaf will become wilted curled black and falling before age. This disease used to outbreaks in Mexico and Brazil.
  2. White Root Disease inflected by Rigidoporus lignosus that can destroy white root. It indicates as brand rubber become dark brown and dies in the end. This disease is a serious danger in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
  3. Pink Disease inflected by Corticium salmonicolo which able to destroy root and brand between 1-8 years old, this disease begin destroy bark by water droplets flow through the stem. This disease is a danger in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine and Thailand.
  4. Corynespora Leaf Fall Disease-CLFD affected by Corynes-pora cassiicola which able to destroy both young and ole leaf; the symptoms of this disease are infested leaves, begin from yellow become dark brown color and fall in the end. This disease cannot be removed; therefore, it should have regular measures to control and this virus occurs in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
  5. Colletotrichum Leaf Fall affected by Colletotrichum gleosporioides which able to damage the leaves are alternate spots or sprouts from the eyes. This disease occurs during plantation development will make all leaves fallen if occurs in oldest stages will caused production process. This disease occurs in Brazil, Cameroon, China, Gabon, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.  
  6. Red Root Disease affected by Ganoderma philippii which able to destroy root the same as Whit Root Disease but the harsh and rude affected by infection, it would become brown dark and die in the end. This disease is a serious danger for rubber plant above 8 years old and existing in China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Therefore, this must inform and strictly implementation of this notice.

Vice Minister Agriculture and Forestry

[Seal and Signature]
Dr. Tee Phommasack

-   Central Government Office
-   Government Committee Office
-   National Economic Research Institution
-   Head of the provinces, Capital
-   Line Department and Institutions
-   Inspection Department
-   SPS Border Gates
-   Copied


# Title Download
1 Notification on Import Inspection and Monitoring of Young Plant and Rubber Seed no. 0131/DOA.07 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ຂໍໃຫ້ກວດກາ ແລະ ຕິດຕາມ ການນຳເຂົ້າ ຕົ້ນ ເບ້ຍ ແລະ ແກ່ນພັນ ຢາງພາລາ ເລກທີ 0131/ກປ.07 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to obtain Import Permit - Rubber young tree and varieties Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To import rubber young tree and varieties, it is necessary to obtain an import permit from the provincial/capital department of agriculture and forestry Notification on Import Inspection and Monitoring of Young Plant and Rubber Seed no. 0131/DOA.07 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Requirement to obtain Phytosanitary Certificate from Exporting Country - Young Plant and Rubber Seed SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry In order to apply for an import permit for young plant and rubber seed, a importer must obtain a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting country and present it to the officers at the boarder Notification on Import Inspection and Monitoring of Young Plant and Rubber Seed no. 0131/DOA.07 9999-12-31 ALL
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