(Unofficial translation)



Ministry of Finance
Customs Department                                                                                      No. 06410/CD

Vientiane Capital, Dated 10 Sep 2014

Additional Notification

To: Head Customs in International Border Checkpoints throughout the country

Subject: Attention to manage, follow up with goods in Deposition Regime and Duty Exemption

-        Pursuant to the Customs Law No. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011.

-        Pursuant to Additional Notification of the Customs Department No. 06068/CD, dated 27 August 2014.

In order to guarantee the clearance of documents in Deposit Regime, and Duty Exception according to Article 27 the Customs Law, No. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011.

Customs Department issued Additional Notification as follows:

1.      Importation of products, goods with Deposit Regime (IM8) with imposition and other duties in 2013-2014 to immediately inspect and follow up with the individuals and juristic entities to completed document clearance on no later than 25 September 2014; if not, Customs Checkpoint shall report to Customs Department to transfer deposit to National Budget in accordance with the law.

2.      Importation of products, goods with Deposit Regime (IM8) aiming for investment projects, the checkpoints shall make announcement to individuals, juristic entities whom had a deposit agreement with checkpoints to completed document’ clearance on no later than 25 September 2014; if not, the Checkpoints Authority shall report to Customs Department immediately to command to transfer the deposit to National Budget in accordance with the law.

3.      Importation of raw materials, parts, half instant products to compose, modify, and to assemble instant products for export with Duty Exemption Form, (ບ50, and 52)in special economic zone and industrial zone, International Customs Checkpoints or related agencies to follow up annual plan of manufacturing , inspect accountant of  3 months and 6 months respectively. If it is not to export, there should be Guarantee agreement with additional individuals of 3 months but no longer than 1 year. If there is no exportation within 1 year, there should be a recheck for reason why it is unable to export, if there is a renew proposal there would be a money deposit  120%  or with financial institution guarantee but no longer than 3 months. Once the Guarantee Agreement is expired, the company will be invited for discussion to find solutions. If it is unable to export, it is suggest to impose other duties to sell within country in accordance with the law.

In case raw materials, tools, other parts are not altogether or missing referring to the primary import duty declaration, customs authority is to calculate tax and other duties completely. In case the company does not corporate, procedures will be followed according to the law.

4.      Importation of raw materials, parts, half instant products, textile, needle tools that were imported with Duty Exemption Form (ບ50 and 52) excluded in special economic zone and industrial area, International Customs Checkpoint or related agency is to follow up manufacturing plan to export. If it is not export more than 6 months, there should be Guarantee Agreement with individuals of 3 months but not exceed 1 year. If such materials are not being export in 1 year, there should be a recheck for reason why it is unable to export, if there is a renew proposal there would be a money deposit  120%  or financial institution guarantee according to the law but maximum term would be no longer than 3 months. In case raw materials, parts, and half instant products missing or incomplete according to the primary Import Duty Declaration, customs authority is to calculate tax and other duties completely. In case the company does not corporate, procedures will be followed according to the law.

5.      Re-importation of instant products that were exported aboard but did not meet standardization, and did not meet timeline to customers, International Customs Checkpoint is to make Guarantee Agreement with money deposit of 120% or financial institution guarantee according to Article 27 of Customs Law No. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011, maximum term is no longer than 3 months, in case it is unable to export, the company is invited for discussion to find solutions. If it is still unable to export, the products, it is suggest to impose other duties to sell within country in accordance with the law.

This Additional Notification is to further explain to Notification No. 06068/CD, dated 27 August 2014. In practice, if there is any difficulties, it is recommend to request for directions from Customs Department.

Therefore, this must inform to Customs Checkpoint to acknowledge.

                                                            Director General of Customs Department

[Sign and Seal]

Athsaphangthong SIPHANDON

# Title Download
1 Notification on paying close attention on controlling, and monitoring the import of guarantee goods and duty fee exemption No. 06410/CD , dated 10 Sep 2014 PDF
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