(Unofficial translation)




Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Vientiane Capital, date 13 March 2015


Minister’s Order

Increase Strictness on Inspection and Phytosanitary Certification for Plant and Plant Product to EU


To: Head of the Provincial, Vientiane Capital Division of Agriculture and Forestry and all relevant sectors across the country.

  • According to the Plant Protection Law No. 06/NA, dated 09/12/2008.
  • According to the Decree recommending the implementation of the Law on Plant Protection No. 229/GoL, dated 31/05/2012
  • According to the notification of the EU Commission on Health and Consumers No.709661 (2015), dated 19/02/2015 (Ref. Ares 709661(2015) – 19/02/2015).
  • According to the report of the Department of Agriculture No. 024/DA, dated 27/02/2015.


Promoting the image of agricultural and forestry products of Lao PDR, will boost the trend of export to the regions and worldwide. In addition, avoiding the impact on the vegetable products of the Lao PDR to the European Union countries as well as ensuring compliance with the international standards of phytosanitary measures of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPSMs, IPPC) and the phytosanitary import regulations of the European Union or EU.

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry issued an order:

1. The Department of Agriculture will issue a notification, create a technical manual on the principles and methods of plant hygiene for the export of plants and plant varieties to European Union countries, organize technical meetings, and study tours to learn lessons and experiences with other countries, especially Vietnam and Thailand. Furthermore, more training, and dissemination in implementing method by deepening each detailed measure in accordance with the international standards for phytosanitary measures of the International Plant Protection Convention and the phytosanitary import regulations of the European Union countries

2. The Department of Agriculture as the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) informs the Plant Protection Organization of the importing country about the falsification of the plant health certificate or false plant health certificate according to the plant protection principles in order to promote confidence in the Lao PDR's plant health inspection and certification system.

3. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital of Agriculture and Forestry Division directs the cultivation sector and plant protection checkpoints to stop and prevent issuing of plant health certificates of export to the third country without complying with the plant protection law of Lao PDR and international standards on plant sanitary measures ISPMs 7 and 12.  

4. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital of Agriculture and Forestry Division directs the cultivation sector and plant protection checkpoints to pay attention to the strict inspection of plants, plant products, and plant sources before issuing plant sanitary certificates every time.

5. All economic sectors should pay attention to preventing the import of plants and plant products that are at high risk of infection by exotic pests which may cause economic damage and affect the agricultural production of the Lao PDR, especially fresh vegetables such as Cilantro, Thai basil, chili, beans, eggplant and bitter gourd that import for transit the plants as a plant product of the Lao PDR to European Union countries.

6. The Provincial and Vientiane Capital of Agriculture and Forestry Division pay attention to the implementation and development of this order into specific legislation and detailed implementation plans within their respective provinces.

7. This order is effective from the date of signature.


The acting of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Vilayvanh Phomeke


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1 Order to Increase Strictness on Inspection and Phytosanitary Certification for Plant and Plant Product to EU PDF
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