The Embassy of the Argentine Republic had informed to utilize the new Security Stamps for Health Certificates for export animal products. The National Service of Agri-food Health and Quality of Argentina (SENASA) will utilize the said stamp staring from no. 180002.

The stamp is characterized by 2x2.5 centimeters hologram sticker with “SENASA” logo written forwards and backwards at an oblique angle. It turns at least three colors with its inclination. Each stamp is also numbered and presents a verifier digit. The words “REPUBLICA ARGENTINA” exit as well.  The stamp is adhered by means of HKB permanent adhesive using Tamper system (Autodestructible Tamper-evident).

Furthermore, the sample of stickers are identified the stamp on the left no. 159001 shows the current format which is up to no. 180000. The stamp on the right no. 180001 demonstrates the newly design format which is in force from no. 180001.


Click here to see official letter from the Embassy of the Argentine Republic

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