[Unofficial Translation]


Ministry of Industry and Commerce                              No.  1027/MOIC.DIMEX

                                                                                    Vientiane Capital, dated 25 May 2015


To: Provincial and Vientiane Capital Director Generals of Industry and Commerce

Subject: The Export of Finished Wooden Products Purchased at Exhibition

-          Pursuant to Decree on the Import and Export of Goods No. 114/GOV, dated 6 April 2011.

-          Pursuant to Decree of the Organization and Movement of Ministry of Industry and Commerce No. 552/PM, dated 23 December 2011.

-          Pursuant to Decision on Category and Size of Wooden Product No. 1415/MOIC.DOIH, dated 28 August 2008.

-          Pursuant to Notification on the Permission to Import and Export Timber and Wooden Products, dated 1904/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 30 September 2011.

In order to overcome the overlapping procedure for the export of wooden products purchased from exhibitions, aiming to facilitate the export of wooden products,

Minister of Industry and Commerce hereby notifies following implementations:

The export of wooden products purchased from exhibitions in Lao PDR that are permitted in correspondence to laws and regulations shall follow the conditions and procedures as prescribed below:

I.                   Requirements for the export of wooden products purchased at exhibition

Wooden products purchased from exhibitions with the purpose of export shall meet following requirements:

1.      Category and size of wooden products shall comply with the Decision of the Minister of Industry and Commerce No. 1415/MOC.DIMEX, dated 28 August 2008 on Categories and Size of Wooden Products and relevant laws and regulations.

2.      Wooden products shown at the exhibitions shall have legal source, correct duty payment and written certificate from responsible committee at the exhibition.

3.      The value of wooden products purchased from the exhibition for export shall not exceed 160.000.000 Kip (One hundred and sixty millions kip) per exporter (at one time). If the value of the wooden products exceeds 160.000.000 Kip (One hundred and sixty millions kip) per set, the export shall not exceed one set.


II.                Documentation

The export of wooden products purchased at exhibitions shall have following documents:

1.      Invoice of actual purchase from tax sector in compliance with laws of the Lao PDR.

2.      Certificate of the exhibition committee which certifies conditions in compliance with point I of this Instruction.

III.             Export Procedure

The export of wooden products purchased at exhibitions is allowed without requiring export approval and shall follow below procedures:

1.      After payment for the wooden products is made, the exporter shall submit the invoice to the exhibition committee to request for certification as specified in point II of this instruction. The committee consists of: industry and commerce sector, finance sector, and agriculture and forestry sector.

2.      Declare documents as specified in point II of this instruction to customs authority at border checkpoint to inspect for verification and further processing accordingly.

IV.             The implementation and effectiveness

1.      Department of Import and Export (Ministry of Industry and Commerce) shall coordinate with relevant sectors such as Customs Department, Tax Department, State’s Property Department (Ministry of Finance), Department of Economic Police (Ministry of Public Security) and other relevant sectors for the effective implementation of this instruction.

2.      Department of Import and Export shall coordinate with Provincial and Vientiane Capital Departments of Industry and Commerce to disseminate and order the implementation of this instruction, and follow up the outcome to report to the leading board of the Ministry in order to find solution timely.

3.      This instruction becomes effective after the date of its signatory and fifteen (15) days after its publication in Laos Official Gazette.

Ministry of Industry and Commerce
(Signed and sealed)
Khemmani Pholsena

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# Title Download
1 Instruction on Export of Finished Wood Products at Trade Fair No. 1027/TF.DIMEX, dated 25 May 2015 PDF
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