The 6th LNCCI Managements 5th Meeting reports the previous movement of LNCCI that shown outstanding results, issues and challenging in joining ASEAN Economic Community.

H.E. Mme. Khemmani Pholsena mentioned that according to practical implementation, LNCCI requires to review regulations those are not consistent with the implementation of LNCCI, particularly regulation No. 316/PM, dated 20 November 2009 on the movement of LNCCI and regulation No. 115/PM, dated 29 April 2009 on Enterprise Association, which should categorizing details on responsibilities to propose for resolutions. LNCCI shall review its structure from central to local level whether they can complete their obligations on managing and integrating entrepreneurs as memberships; resolving issues, together with sourcing fund to support management without effecting private sector. Furthermore, the LNCCI shall review the implementation of the 9th Lao Enterprise Meeting of previous achievement and issues as raised in the meeting in order to report at the 10th Lao Enterprise Meeting that will be held by the end of this year.

MoIC will also highlight the 8th MoIC Plan to improve private sector toward strength, sustainability and to reduce procedures.

Source: Lao Economic Daily


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