(Unofficial translation)



                                      Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Permanent Office                                              No.2099/MoAF.PO
Vientiane Capital, date 04 September 2012


To:       the head of Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial level and in the Capital.

Subject: utilizing domestic movement permit for timber, forestry products and the delivery permit for export of timber and non - agricultural products.

-      Pursuant to the Law on Forest no.06/NA, dated 24 December 2007.
-      Pursuant to the Prime Ministerial Decision no. 32/PM, dated 06 March 2012 on the agreement on the proposal of the forestry and wood business management and monitoring dated 25-26 January 2012;
-      Pursuant to the ministerial guidance No. 0088/MoAF date 10 July 2012 in response to implement the Prime ministerial Agreement No. 32/PM.

The permanent Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry would like to notify that previously the monitoring documents of the timber’s released stamps and non - agricultural products were issued by the Forestry Sector at Provincial level and Capital; and the movement permit of timber for domestic movement and for export were issued by the Department of Industry and Commerce at Provincial level and Capital. Currently, the issuance of the movement permit of timber for domestic movement and for export has ceased pursuant to the notification No. 1180/MoIC.DDT, dated 19 June 2012. However, the export license for round wood (logs), sawed wood and stumps may be issued if agreed by the Government of Lao PDR.

In order to ensure that the domestic movement permit for timber and non-agricultural products and the delivery permit for the export of timber and non-agricultural products are implemented in conformity with laws and regulations

The permanent Office of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry issues the following notification:

1. To stop utilization of “the book of the monitoring document of the timber’s released stamps and certified non – agricultural products”; the mentioned books shall be returned to the responsible authorities not later than 9 September 2012 either unused or partly used. Organizations or individuals found using the mentioned books after the enforcement of this notification will be prosecuted under laws.

2. Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial level and in the Capital issues the new version of “the domestic movement permit for timber, non-agricultural products and the delivery permit for the export of timber and non-agricultural products” according to Department of Forestry’s notification attached, which shall be in force uniformly across the country from 10 September 2012.

3. The information written in these documents shall be clear, without any crossing out unless they are returned to the Department of Forestry. Each set of the domestic movement permit of timber and non-agricultural products and the delivery permit of timber and non-agricultural products for export consist of 3 sheets with different colors for different purposes:

3.1. White sheet to be attached along with the product;

3.2. Pink sheet to be submitted to Forestry sector at the provincial level and Capital for the record;

3.3. Yellow sheet to be submitted to Department of Forestry.

Therefore, this must be informed to comply with the notice.

Signed on behalf of the head of the Permanent Office

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

(Signed and Sealed)

Mme. Buasavanh Tansaensy

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# Title Download
1 Notification on utilizing domestic movement permit for timber, forestry products and the delivery permit for export of timber and non - agricultural products No. 2099/MAF, dated September 2012 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ການນຳໃຊ້ໃບອະນຸຍາດເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍໄມ້, ເຄື່ອງປ່າຂອງດົງ ພາຍໃນ ແລະ ໃບອະນຸຍາດນຳສົ່ງໄມ້ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງປ່າຂອງດົງ ອອກຕ່າງປະເທດ, ສະບັບເລກທີ 2099/ຫກກປ, ລົງວັນທີ 4 ກັນຍາ 2012 PDF
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