NameProhibition to import high dangerous chemicals (Type 1)
Descriptionchemicals of high-level danger used in industries are prohibited, except that it is approved by government. If it is necessary to import such goods, importers may present an application form to Department of Industry and Handicraft, MOIC
CommentsFor protection of health, safety of human and environment.
Validity From2016-12-12
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceArticle 10 and 45 of Law on Chemicals control No. 07/NA, and Article 7 of a Decision no. 1204/MOIC.DIH
Technical Code
Measure TypeProhibited Goods
AgencyMinistry of Industry and Commerce
Legal Document- Law on Chemicals No. 07/NA, dated 10 November 2016
- Decision on registration for import, export chemicals and carrying chemicals across borders, No. 1204/MOIC.DIH, dated 24 December 2020.
Is StandardNo
UN CodeE311
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2012-02-09 11:16:14
Updated Datetime2024-03-14 15:50:14
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Procedure for Import or Export of Prohibition Goods The goods covered by this Procedure are subject to Prohibition. This means that every application to import or export these goods is considered separately and judged on its own merits. There is no automatic granting of Permits and Licences for Goods cover Import/Export
# Title Description Issued By File
# HS Code Description
1 2524100000 - Crocidolite
2 2524900000 - Other
3 2805400000 - Mercury
4 2825900000 - Other
5 2833299000 - - - Other
6 2841500000 - Other chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates
7 2842902000 - - Copper or chromium salts
8 2842909000 - - Other
9 2852109000 - - Other
10 2903140000 - - Carbon tetrachloride
11 2903192000 - - - 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)
12 2903720000 - - Dichlorotrifluoroethanes (HCFC-123)
13 2903730000 - - Dichlorofluoroethanes (HCFC-141, 141b)
14 2903740000 - - Chlorodifluoroethanes (HCFC-142, 142b)
15 2903750000 - - Dichloropentafluoropropanes (HCFC-225, 225ca, 225cb)
16 2903760000 - - Bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon-1211), bromotrifluoromethane (Halon-1301) and dibromotetrafluoroethanes (Halon-2402)
17 2903770000 - - Other, perhalogenated only with fluorine and chlorine
18 2903790000 - - Other
19 2903920000 - - Hexachlorobenzene (ISO) and DDT (ISO) (clofenotane (INN), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane)
20 2903990000 - - Other
21 2904201000 - - Trinitrotoluene
22 2905390000 - - Other
23 2905590000 - - Other
24 2908110000 - - Pentachlorophenol (ISO)
25 2908190000 - - Other
26 2909190000 - - Other
27 2910300000 - 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin)
28 2910900000 - Other
29 2915399000 - - - Other
30 2918180000 - - Chlorobenzilate (ISO)
31 2918990000 - - Other
32 2921190000 - - Other
33 2928001000 - Linuron
34 2929109000 - - Other
35 2930909000 - - Other
36 2931904100 - - - In liquid form
37 2931904900 - - - Other
38 2931909000 - - Other
39 2933393000 - - - Paraquat salts
40 2933690000 - - Other
41 2933790000 - - Other lactams
42 2934999000 - - - Other
43 2939420000 - - Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts
44 3002900000 - Other
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