The goods covered by this Procedure are subject to Prohibition. This means that every application to import or export these goods is considered separately and judged on its own merits. There is no automatic granting of Permits and Licences for Goods covered by Prohibitions.



Note 1 - Ministry of National Defence. The importation of Arms and Ammunition in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of National Defence. To import Arms and Ammunition in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question.

Note 2 - Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism. The exportation of archaeological artefacts from Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism. To export archaeological items from Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the export in question.

Note 3 - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The exportation of bat guano from Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. To Export bat guano from Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the export in question.

Note 4 - Bank of Lao. The importation of banknote paper, banknote ink, banknote printers and coin making machines in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Bank of Lao. To import banknote paper, banknote ink, banknote printers and coin making machines in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made to the Bank of Lao. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question.

Note 5 - Ministry of Public Security. The importation of prohibited narcotic drugs in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Public Security. To import prohibited narcotic drugs in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question. Please refer to the Ministry of Public Safety for the current list of prohibited narcotic drugs.

Note 6 - Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The importation of (Type 1) dangerous substances and chemicals in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. To import Type 1 dangerous substances and chemicals in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question. Please refer to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce for the list of Type 1 prohibited substances and chemicals.

Note 7 - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The importation of destructive fishing tools in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. To import destructive fishing tools in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question. Please refer to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries for a list of Destructive Fishing tools.

Note 8 - Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism. The importation of Pornographic material and media in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism. To import Pornographic material and media in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question. Please refer to the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism for a classification of the material and media in question as part of the application process.

Note 9 - Ministry of Health. The exportation of Raw medicinal natural resources from Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Health. To export Raw medicinal natural resources from, Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the export in question. Please refer to the Ministry of Health for the current list of Raw Medicinal natural resources, as well as a definition of what processing steps transform Medicinal natural resources from a Raw to Processed state.

Note 10 - Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The importation of Right Hand Steering Wheel Vehicles in to Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. To import Right Hand Steering Wheel Vehicles in to Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the importation in question.

Note 11 - Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The exportation of Logs, trunk, bark and transformed timber from Lao PDR is prohibited except with the written permission of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. To export Logs, trunk, bark, transformed timber from, Lao PDR, a written application must be made. Each case is considered on its merits and each licence or permit granted is specific only for the export in question.

# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Requirement to obtain import license for bullets and weapons To import bullets and weapons of all kinds into Laos for the purpose of protecting leaders or training, related agencies must submit the request to the ministry of National Defense through the ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prohibited Goods Ministry of National Defence For public order and national security. The Law on controlling weapons and explosives, No. 14/NA, date 07 July 2022. 9999-12-31 Good
2 Prohibition to export certain archeological objects Archeological objects including Buddha statues, angel statues and holy objects, national heritages with historical and cultural values of 50 years old or older are prohibited to export. If it is necessary to export such things, exporter shall present an application form to Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism for consideration and recommendation to get approval from the Government of Lao PDR. Prohibited Goods Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism For protection of national artistic and cultural heritage Presidential Decree on Preservation of National cultural, historical and natural heritage No. 03/PDR 9999-12-31 Good
3 Prohibition to export bat guano/manure It's prohibited for state agencies, enterprises, private sectors, and state enterprise to export bat guano/manure. If any local authorities, department, and/or enterprise is digging guano for export, such business must be stop right after this order is enforce. In case, the guano was excavated, and placed in the warehouse, the guano should be distribute to the production of within the country. Prohibited Goods Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry For protection of natural resources for domestic consumption and production in the country to improve a quality organic fertilizer Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry on the Control and Use of Bat Guano in the Country No. 0613/MoAF.05 9999-12-31 Good
4 Prohibition to import banknote paper, banknote ink, banknote printers and coin making machines Banknote paper, banknote ink, banknote printer and coin making machines are fall under the list of prohibited import goods. Prohibited Goods Bank of Lao PDR For financial stability Law on Bank of the Lao PDR (amended version) no. 47/NA, dated 19 June 2018 9999-12-31 Good
5 Prohibition to import prohibitied narcotic drugs. Narcotic drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine, ketamine, opium, marijuana and other narcotic drugs are not allowed to import into Lao PDR Prohibited Goods Ministry of Public Security For public order and national security Law on Narcotic No. 10/NA, dated 25 December 2007 9999-12-31 Good
6 Prohibition to import high dangerous chemicals (Type 1) chemicals of high-level danger used in industries are prohibited, except that it is approved by government. If it is necessary to import such goods, importers may present an application form to Department of Industry and Handicraft, MOIC Prohibited Goods Ministry of Industry and Commerce For protection of health, safety of human and environment. Law on Chemicals No. 07/NA, dated 10 November 2016 9999-12-31 Good
7 Prohibition to import destructive fishing tools Destructive fishing tools is prohibited to import. If it is necessary to import Destructive fishing tools, importer shall present an application form to Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for consideration and recommendation to get approval from the Government of Lao PDR. If such tools are imported to sale at the market, it is considered illegal. Prohibited Goods Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry For sustainable protection, conservation, development, and use of aquatic fauna and environment Fisheries Law No. 03/NA, dated 09 July 2009 9999-12-31 Good
8 Export Prohibition - Raw medicinal natural resource The raw medicinal natural resource is prohibited to export. Prohibited Goods Ministry of Health For the protection and sustainability of natural resources Instruction on the Implementation of Decree on Medical Natural Resources No. 252/MoH 9999-12-31 Good
9 Prohibition to export - Logs, trunk, bark, transformed timber Log, big sawed timber, general sawed timber, spited wood, root, stump, branch, perennial plant, ornamental plant exploited from natural forest are prohibited to export Prohibited Goods Ministry of Industry and Commerce To promote timber processing industry to make added value of the product, aims to protect forest resource abundantly Order on Enhancing Strictness on the Management and Inspection of Timber Exploitation, Timber Movement and Timber Business No. 15/PM dated 13 May 2016 9999-12-31 Good
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