NameSpecified Ports of Customs Requirement - Import of Aquatic animals and their products
DescriptionAquatic animals and their products must be imported through ports of customs where specified by the department of livestock and fisheries or as specified by other government agencies which could be changed periodically
Commentsto facilitate veterinary services and to conform to import procedures. furthermore, this is to assure that such imports are not transporting through outbreak areas and that relevant authorities can trace its movement after the importations
Validity From2019-11-29
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceChapter 2, article 7
Technical Code
Measure TypeGeneral
AgencyMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry
Legal Document- Decision on Import, Export and Transit of Aquatic Animals and Aquatic Products No. 4211/MAF, dated 29 November 2019.
Is StandardNo
UN CodeC3
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2021-02-04 03:45:12
Updated Datetime2021-02-04 03:45:12
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