In Lao PDR, regulations that govern the export of wildlife and wild plants are Forestry Law No. 06/NA, Wildlife and Aquatic Resources Law No. 07/NA, and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

To request for Export License of Wildlife and Wild Plants requires to make a request per export as follows:

1.     Exporter prepares documents for the application of Export License, which consist of:

-         Certificate of Origin
-         Sanitary/Phytosanitary Certificate
-         Enterprise Registration Certificate (copy)|
-         Invoice
-         Request Letter

Exporter submits the documents mentioned above to Wildlife and Aquatic Management Division, Department of Forestry Resource Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

2.     Department of Forestry Resource Management considers the application in 5-10 weekdays.

-         If the application is correct, the department will sign and authenticate the Export License.
-         If the application is incorrect, the department will notify the exporter to re-submit the application.

3.     Once the documents are complete and correct, Department of Forestry Resource Management will issue the Export License.

4.     Exporter collects the Export License and pay fee at Department of Forestry Resource Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 service charge - import permit fee for aquatic and wild animals service fees charged on the import of aquatic and wild animals are as following: - value of less than 10 millions kip is 100.000 kip/time - value of more than 10 to 50 millions kip is 200.000 kip/time - value of more than 50 to 100 millions kip is 500.000 kip/time - value of more than 100 millions kip is 1.000.000 kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry For administrative revenue collection of state The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
2 Registration Requirement - Exporters of Wild Fauna Type II and III of CITES Exporter of Wild Fauna Type II and III of CITES must be authorized by the department of forestry, MAF Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To ensure the sustainability of natural ecosystems and to comply with CITES agreement which Lao PDR is a member of. Decision on the establishment and management of zoos, wildlife farms, centers of rehabilitation and wildlife breeding and plantations No 0188/MAF, date 03 February 2019 9999-12-31 Good
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