According to the Notification No. 0076/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 13 January 2012, the import or export of mines and mineral products requires to get permission from Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Specific regulation that governs the export of mines and mineral products is the Decision on Import and Export Licensing Procedures of Minerals and Mineral Products No. 0352/MEM.

The distribution or export of mines and mineral products is required to request for a Calculation for Royalty Fee. The procedure is below:

1. Distributor/Exporter prepares documents for the application of Calculation for Royalty Fee, which consist of:

-     Concession Agreement
-     Investment License
-     Concession License
-     Enterprise Registration Certificate
-     Exploration License
-     Factory Operation Permission
-     Approval of Feasibility Study
-     Master List (Approved by Department of Mines)
-     Mineral Analysis Result
-     Purchase-Sale of Mines Agreement
-    Tax Payment Certificate (Records)

Distributor/Exporter submits the documents mentioned above to Department of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines.
2. Department of Mines considers the application in 10 weekdays.
-     If the application is correct, the department will sign and authenticate the Calculation for Royalty Fee.
-     If the application is incorrect, the department will notify the contributor/exporter to re-submit the application.
3.Once the documents are complete and correct, Department of Mines will issue the Calculation for Loyalty Fee.
4. Distributor/Exporter collects the Calculation for Royalty Fee at Department of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines.
After collecting Calculation for Royalty Fee, the distributor/exporter shall submit the document to relevant sectors as follows:

-     Department of Customs, Ministry of Finance for import declaration
-     Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce for following up
-     Department of Tax, Ministry of Finance for taxation
-     Provincial or Capital Department of Energy and Mines for actual import inspection


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