The Decree on Petroleum, No.331/GOV, dated 27th November 2017, sets the rules, regulations, and measures for managing and monitoring petroleum business operation in Lao PDR to ensure the operations are compliance with laws that aims to protect the rights and advantages of the state, business operators and consumers. In addition, the Decision on the Procedure for Import and Distribution of Petroleum in the Lao PDR No.0237/MOIC.DIMEX dated 2nd February 2017 sets out procedures for petroleum import and distribution in the Lao PDR, and has no purpose to restrict the quantity or value for importation, but only for statistical and import monitoring purposes through the automatic import licensing regime.


Annual Petroleum Distribution Plan has the approval process as following:

  1. There are required supporting documents as following:
  • Application letter for distribution plan approval (free form letter).
  • Supporting documents include:

+ Copy of all duty and tax payment certificates.

+ Statistical of petroleum ...............

+ Annual statistical report of import and sale for previous year.

+ Copy of the annual distribution plan of previous year.

  1. Importer submits application in Department of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Industry and Commerce for reviewing all required supporting documents.
  • In case, the application meets all requirements, Department of Domestic Trade will consider the approval of distribution plan within 03 official days.
  • In case of incorrect or uncompleted application, Department of Domestic Trade will inform the importer to provided remaining supporting documents.
  1. The annual distribution plan certificate is issued by Department of Domestic Trade.
  2. Importers obtain the annual distribution plan certificate at Department of Domestic Trade.

- After obtaining the annual distribution plan certificate, importer can submit this certificate along with other required documents to apply for the import license at Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce as the next step. 

- Click here to view the Annual Petroleum Distribution Plan approval process

# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Requirement to register a company to import Fuel Fuel Import shall be the importing company of fuel which obtain a permit for establishing and operating the business according to the Decree no. 331/PM by presenting an application to the Domestic Trade Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce for consideration Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Commerce For management reason and to protect the benefits of the nation and consumers Decree on Petroleum Business no. 331/PM, dated 27 Oct 2017 9999-12-31 Good
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