Step 1. Preparing documents:

1) Documents to apply for temporary import permit of regulated goods

1. Application form of the Import and Export Management Authority - 1 original

2. Business Registration (First Time) - 1 copy

3. Business license or investment license for the business under the control business list - 1 copy

4. Certificate of tax payment for the previous year, except for the new establishing company - 1 copy

5. Invoice and packing list - 1 copy

6. Repair order in case of import for repair - 1 copy

7. Invitation to the exhibition or related documents in case of attending the exhibition - 1 copy


2) Documents to apply for temporary export permit of regulated goods

1. A printed application form specified by the Import and Export Management Authority - 1 original

2. Business Registration (First Time) - 1 copy

3. Invoice and packing list - 1 copy

4. Repair order in case of export for repair - 1 copy

5. Invitation to the exhibition or related documents in case of attending the exhibition - 1 copy


3) Documents to apply for import then export of regulated goods

1. Application in the form prescribed by the Import and Export Management Authority - 1 original

2. Business Registration (First Time) - 1 copy

3. Business license or investment license for the business under the control business list - 1 copy

4. Last annual tax return, except for the company established - 1 copy

5. Invoice and packing list - 1 copy


Step 2. Receiving applications

After completing the documents, the applicants must submit the documents to the Department of Import and Export (Division of Border Trade), Ministry of Industry and Commerce. An Officer will check the accuracy of the document. If the document is complete according to step 1, it will be entered into the entry number, and if it is incomplete or there is a correction, the Officer will advise the operator to re-submit the document correctly and completely.


Step 3. Considerations

Pursuant to the Decision of regulated goods on temporary import/export and import for transit export, No. 0230/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 25 March 2021. After receiving the correct and complete documents in accordance with the prescribed procedures, it will take 3 working days and pay a fee of LAK 10,000 per set.


Step 4. Approval

After verifying the document is correct, the Division of Border Trade will draft the license document and process to request the approval of the signature of the Director of General Standing Committee and stamp the license.


Step 5. Receiving the permission

Applicants can receive permission from the Division of Border Trade, Department of Imports and Exports.


For more information, please contact: Division of Border Trade, Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce at telephone number: 021 413 901 Fax: 021 454224

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