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Procedures for Starting a Business in Lao PDR


1. Business Activities outside the Controlled Business List

Step 1: Enterprise Registration Certificate: an investor wishes to register and enterprise under the Business Activities outside the Controlled Business List shall submit the application with the Enterprise Registrar of the Industry and Commerce Sector as allocation of responsibilities for consideration of the Enterprise Registration Certificate between the Central and Local Level where the investor’s office is located.

The investor will receive the Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC) together with the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) no later than 10 working days from the date that the complete application has been received.

Step 2: Company Seal: the investor presents the Enterprise Registration Certificate to carve the Company Seal with the Public Security Sector.

The investor will receive the Company Seal together with the Approval to Use Company Seal no later than 5 working days.

Step 3: Social Security Registration: the investor applies for registration of social security with the Labor and Social Welfare Sector. The investor will receive the Social Security Registration Certificate within 2 working days.

After completion of the 3 Steps as mention above, an enterprise shall comply with each circumstance:

1. For Business Activities not required to apply for Business Operating License, the investor can immediately operate business as provided on the back of the Enterprise Registration Certificate.

2. For Business Activities required to apply for Business Operation License, the investor shall apply for Business Operating License as provided in the relevant laws and regulations.


2. Business Activities under the Controlled Business List and the Concession List.

Business Activities under the Controlled Business List and the Concession List shall comply with the Law on Investment Promotion by submission of the application with the Planning and Investment Sector. For further information, please visit: or consulting with the Investment Promotion Department at the telephone number 021-217012, Fax 021-215491 and Hotline of the Ministry of Planning and Investment: 1503.

The Business Activities under the Controlled Business List and the Concession List are followed to the Decree on the Approval of the Controlled Business List and Concession Businesses of Lao PDR No. 03/PM, dated 10 January 2019.

2.1. Steps for applying to the Business Activities under the Controlled Business List        

Investors will receives the investment license within 25 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application. The Investors (Individuals or Legal Entities) submit investment applications to the One Stop Service (OSS) at the central or province level in accordance with the division of approval as specified in Appendix (a) of Government Decree No. 03 / PM, dated 10 January 2019 (Account 01: Control Activities). The details of the filing process are as follows:

1. Submitting application to the One Stop Service (OSS);

2. The OSS send the request for comment of relevant departments (within 2 working days);

3. The relevant departments will consider the request and given comments (within 8 working days);

4. The OSS request a further consideration to the Investment Management Committee (within 10 working days);

5. Issuance of investment license (within 5 working days) or notification of rejection of investors (within 3 working days).


2.2. Steps for applying to the Business Activities under the Concession List

Investors will receives the investment license within 65 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application. The Investors (Individuals or Legal Entities) submit investment applications to the One Stop Service (OSS) at the central or province level in accordance with the division of approval as specified in Appendix (a) of Government Decree No. 03 / PM, dated 10 January 2019 (Account 02: Concession List). The details of the filing process are as follows:

1. Submitting application to the One Stop Service (OSS);

2. The OSS send the request for comment of relevant departments (within 2 working days);

3. The relevant departments will consider the request and given comments (within 30 working days);

4. The OSS request a further consideration to the Investment Management Committee (within 30 working days). In case of rejection, the investors will be informed within 3 working days;

5. In case of agreement, negotiation, signing of memorandum of understanding or agreement;

6. Issue investment license (within 3 working days)


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