Part I - General provision

Article 1. Objective
Article 2. Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management Standard
Article 3. Definition
Article 4. Scope

Part II  - Environmental Management Standard

Article 5. Site history and management
Article 6. Planting material
Article 7. Soil and substrates
Article 8. Fertilizers and soil additives
Article 9. Water
Article 10. Chemicals (Agrochemicals)
Article 11. Handling produce
Article 12. Biodiversity
Article 13. Air
Article 14. Training
Article 15. Documents and records
Article 16. Review of practices

Part III - Labeling and Sealing

Article 17. Seal
Article 18. Labeling

Part IV - Certification of Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Standard

Article 19. Certification of Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management

Part V - Rewards and Sanctions

Article 20. Rewards
Article 21. Sanctions

Part VI - Final provisions

Article 22. Implementation
Article 23. Effectiveness

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No 0538/MAF
Vientiane, Dated 09/02/2011

Decision of the Minister
on Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management Standard

- Pursuant to the Law on Agriculture, No. 1/98 LNA, Dated 10 October 1998
- Pursuant to the Degree of Prime Minister, No.148/PMO, Dated 10 May 2007 on the Organization and Role of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Referred to letter of department of Agriculture, No.1176/DOA, Dated 09 November 2010.

Part I
General provision

Article 1. Objective
   This decision provisioned as a tool for supervised Good Agriculture Practice Standards for Environmental Management Module in order to conserve and protect environment in the area and surrounding farm area. Top

Article 2. Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management
   Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management has adopted from Asean GAP. This Module includes the requirements that producers and operators shall apply in production system in order to preserve and protect environment inside and surrounding areas of farm. Top

Article 3. Definition

  1. Standard A specific identifications requirements of produces, products, service, processing and environment related to quality.
  2. Good agriculture practice Practices used to prevent or reduce the risk of Hazards occurring during production, harvesting, postharvest handling of produce.
  3. Infrastructure A area for construction, houses, production area, warehouse, processing and packing places.
  4. Chemical substances The fertilizers, pesticides, Hormones, waxing soil additives.
  5. Other chemical The fuels, oils, and other non-agrochemicals.
  6. Soil additives Products or materials that are added to the soil to improve fertility, structure or control weeds. Examples are animal manure, sawdust, compost, seaweed, fishbased products.
  7. Competency authority The public and private authority that has authorized to develop or inspection standard and regulation as well as policy. i.e Department of Agriculture; Department of Food and Drug.
  8. Planting Materials Seeds or planting bulks that use in crop cultivation
  9. Name of product A commercial name of product
  10. User A practical person who use fertilizers, medicines and chemicals.
  11. Waste The Waste from using inputs such as bags, plastic fertilizer packaging, paper bulks, empty pesticides bottles and others. Top

Article 4. Scope
   These Standards apply to individual, entity, family and organizations within country and outside country that wants to produce Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management standard in Lao PDR. Top

Part II
Environment Management Standard

Article 5. Site history and management

  1. The utilization of areas for producing agriculture shall comply with regulations of Lao PDR regarding the control of production at high land or steep slopes.
  2. For cultivation in the new areas, environmental risks assessment inside and outside production site shall be conducted. The record of risk assessment is kept of all potential hazards identified. The risk assessment shall consider:
  1. the prior use of the site;
  2. potential impacts of crop production and postharvest handling on and off the site;
  3. potential impacts of adjacent sites on the new site.
  1. Where a significant risk is identified, either the site is not used for crop production and postharvest handling or measures are taken to prevent or minimise the potential hazards.
  2. A property layout map is available showing the location of:
  1. crop production sites,
  2. environmentally sensitive areas and highly degraded areas,
  3. chemical storage and mixing areas, chemical application equipment cleaning areas, and post harvest chemical treatment areas,
  4. areas or facilities for storage , mixing and composting of fertilizers and soil additives,
  5. water courses, storage sites, and significant drainage lines, run-off areas and discharge points, and
  6. property buildings, structures and roads.
  1. Highly degraded areas are managed to minimize further degradation.
  2. Management of site activities conforms to country Environmental legislation covering air, water, noise, soil, biodiversity and other environmental issues. Top

Article 6. Planting material

  1. To minimize chemical usage and nutrient runoff, planting material is selected for disease resistance and computability with site properties such as soil type and nutrient levels.
  2. Varieties known to be harmful for environment are not grown. Top

Article 7. Soil and substrates

  1. The intended production practices are suitable to the soil type and do not increase the risk of environmental degradation.
  2. Where available, soil maps are used to plan rotation and production programs.
  3. Cultivation practices that improve or maintain soil structure and minimise soil compaction and erosion are used.
  4. The use of chemical fumigants to sterilize soils and substrates is justified and a record is kept of the location, date, product, application rate and method, and operator name.Top

Article 8. Fertilizers and soil additives

  1. The application of soil additives shall comply with recommendations from Department of Agriculture.
  2. Areas or facilities for storage, mixing and loading of fertilizers and soil additives and for composting of organic matter are located, constructed and maintained to minimise the risk of environmental harm on and off the site.
  3. Equipment used to apply fertilisers and soil additives is maintained in working condition and checked for effective operation at least annually by a technically competent person.
  4. The application of fertilisers and soil additives is recorded, detailing the name of the product or material, date, treatment location, application rate and method, and operator name.
  5. For hydroponic production systems, the mixing, application and disposal of the nutrient solution is monitored and recorded. Top

Article 9. Water

  1. Irrigation use is based on crop water requirements, water availability, soil moisture levels, and consideration of environmental impact on and off the site.
  2. An efficient irrigation system is used to minimise wastage of water and the risk of environmental harm on and off the site.
  3. A record is kept of irrigation use, detailing crop, date, location, volume of water applied or duration of irrigation, and name of person who managed the irrigation activity.
  4. Water collection, storage, and use is managed to comply with country regulatory requirements.
  5. Water used from sources that may cause environmental harm to land and soil, waterways and sensitive areas is managed or treated to minimise the risk of environmental harm.
  6. Water from toilets and drainage systems are disposed of in a manner that minimizes the risk of environmental harm on and off the site.
  7. Water discharged from the property, including waste water form harvesting, cleaning and handling operations, is managed or treated to minimise off site environmental harm. Top

Article 10.Chemicals (Agrochemicals)

  1. Employers and workers have been trained to a level appropriate to their area of responsibility for chemical application.
  2. If the choice of chemical products is made by advisers, proof of their technical competence is available.
  3. Crop protection measures are appropriate for the control of pests and based on recommendations from a competent authority or monitoring of crop pests.
  4. Chemicals are only purchased from licensed suppliers.
  5. Chemicals are applied according to label directions or a permit issued by a competent authority.
  6. Integrated pest management systems and non-chemical products are used where possible to minimise the use of chemicals.
  7. The application of chemicals (ground and aerial) is managed to minimise the risk of spray drift to neighbouring properties and environmentally sensitive areas.
  8. Surplus chemical mixes and tank washing are disposed of in a manner that minimizes the risk of environmental harm on and off the site.
  9. Appropriate volumes of chemicals are mixed to minimise the amount or surplus chemical remaining after application.
  10. Equipment used to apply chemicals is maintained in working condition and checked for effective operation at least annually by a technically competent person.
  11. Chemicals are stored in a well light, sound and secure structure, with only authorized people allowed access. The structure is located and constructed to minimise the risk of contaminating the environment and equipped with emergency facilities in the event of a chemical spill.
  12. Chemicals are stored in the original container with a legible label and according to label directions or instructions from a competent authority. If a chemical is transferred to another container, the new container is clearly marked with the brand name, rate of use and withholding period.
  13. Empty chemical containers are not re-used and are kept secure until disposal.
  14. Empty chemical containers are disposed of according to relevant country regulations and in a manner that minimises the risk of causing environmental harm on and off the site. Official collection and disposal systems are used where available.
  15. Obsolete chemicals, that are unusable or no longer approved, are clearly identified and kept secure until disposal.
  16. Obsolete chemicals are disposed of through official collection systems or in legal off-site areas.
  17. The application of chemicals is recorded for each crop, detailing the chemical used, reason for application, application date, treatment location, application rate and method, weather conditions, and operator name.
  18. Where applicable, a record of chemicals held in storage is kept, detailing chemical name, date and quantity purchased and date when completely used or disposed of.
  19. Oil, fuels, cleaning liquid and other chemical shall keep in the warehouse and dispose in the safety place to reduce risk of environmental contamination.
  20. The application, storage and disposal of empty chemical bags or containers in postharvest handling such as pesticides and waxing shall follow the article of chemical usage. Top

Article 11. Waste and energy efficiency

  1. A waste management plan is documented and followed, including identifying types of waste products generated by property activities and using practices to minimise waste generation, to reuse or recycle waste  and to store and dispose of waste.
  2. Consumption of electricity and fuel is reviewed and efficient operating are identified and used; Machinery and equipment are serviced to maintain operational efficiency or are replaced. Top

Article 12. Biodiversity

  1. Property activities comply with country regulations covering protected plant and animal species to ensure that protected species are not damaged.
  2. To conserve native plant and animal species, access and activity is managed in significant remnant native vegetation areas, wildlife corridors, and vegetation areas on and near the banks of waterways.
  3. Measures are used to control feral animals and environmental pests. Top

Article 13. Air
   The generation of offensive odor, smoke, dust, and noise is managed to minimise the impact on neighbouring properties. Top

Article 14. Training
   Employers and workers have appropriate knowledge or are trained in their area of responsibility relevant to good agricultural practices and a record of training is kept. Top

Article 15. Documents and records

  1. Records of good agricultural practices are kept for a minimum period of at least two years or for a longer period if required by legislation or customers.
  2. Out of date documents are discarded and only current versions of documents relevant to good agricultural practice are used. Top

Article 16. Review of practices

  1. All practices are reviewed at least once each year to ensure that they are done correctly and actions are taken to correct any deficiencies identified or it changes occur to environmental regulations.
  2. A record is kept to show that all practices have been reviewed and any corrective actions taken are documented.
  3. Actions are taken to resolve complaints related to environmental management, and a record is kept of the complaint and actions taken. Top

Part III
Labeling and Sealing

Article 17. Seal

  1. Only Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Module Standards products certified by the CB (DOA) can be labeled with the DOA seal.
  2. Using the DOA seal as a product brand name is prohibited. The words specifying The Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Module Standards certification and the DOA seal together shall not exceed ¾ three quarters of the size of the product brand name. Top

Article 18. Labeling

  1. The product name, weight, the name and address of the producer and/or operator certified by the CB (DOA) and responsible for final packing should appear on the organic product packaging.
  2. Prior to printing, a producer and/or operator shall submit the lay-out of a product label to the CB (DOA) for approval. Top

Part VI
Certification of Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Standard

Article 19. Certification of Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Standard
   The Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is responsible for the evaluation , inspection and certification of Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Standard in Lao PDR. Top

Part V
Rewards and Sanctions

Article 20. Rewards
   Individuals or Organizations who have performed well in the area of Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Standard will receive awards which deemed reasonable by the DOA. Top

Article 21. Sanctions
   Individuals or organizations violate these Good Agricultural Practices for Environmental Management Standard will be punished by way of a warning letter, education, fine or penalty, as provided for by the Lao Agriculture Law. Top

Part VI
Final provisions

Article 22. Implementation
   The Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in collaboration with other concerned organization skill implement this regulation effectively. Top

Article 23. Effectiveness
   This regulation of the Minister shall be effective from the date of its signature. Top

Minister for Agriculture and Forestry

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