(unofficial translation)


Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Department of Import and Export                                       No.1535/DIMEX.IEMD
Vientiane Capital, dated on 10 May 2016

Instruction on
The use of the Revised Import and Export License Form

To: The head of Department of Industry and Commerce at provincial level and Capital.

Re: The use of the Revised Import and Export License Form

-          Pursuant to Notification on the promulgation of the revised import-export license form No. 0472/MoIC.DIMEX, dated 10 March 2016.

In order to ensure that the import and export license (revised version) issued by Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Department of Industry and Commerce at provincial level and in the Capital are implemented and utilized uniformly as well as to simplify, eliminate unnecessary procedures and gradually turn towards an electronic license, Department of Import and Export recommends Department of Industry and Commerce at provincial level and in the Capital to take an ownership to disseminate and support entrepreneurs in using the revised Import and Export Licenses as follows:

1.      Import and Export License applicant can download the Revised Import and Export License Form from the website of Lao Trade Portal at www.laotradeportal.gov.la (the detailed procedures on how to download the form attached) or request for soft file from the issuing authority;

2.      If the applicant is not capable for the new system, s/he can continue using the old system until they are capable (not later than 30 September 2016). After that, they must use the Revised Import and Export License Form.

3.      - The applicant pay fee for issuance of license at the cashier of Ministry of Industry and Commerce if the product is administered at the ministerial level or otherwise at Department of Industry and Commerce at provincial level and in the Capital if the product is authorized by provincial level and in the Capital.

-  Fees and charges of the issuance of Import and Export licenses managed by the Industry and Commerce unit shall be implemented as prescribed in the Edict on Fees and Service Charges approved and revised from time to time.

4.      Timeframe of the License and filling.


Type of Import – Export License

Utility timeframe

Amount of document and filling

Original License (applicant)

Copied License

Total amount


Issuing office


Department of Import and Export







Vehicles/vehicles for direct production

90 days

3 copies



180 days

3 copies



180 days

3 copies


Rough Diamonds

60 days

3 copies


Column Timber

90 days

3 copies









Department of Industry and Commerce (provincial level and Capital)







Vehicles used in direct productions

90 days

3 copies


Steel, Cement

60 days

3 copies



60 days

3 copies


Semi-finished wooden products

90 days

3 copies


Chemical substances

90 days

3 copies








Thus, this instruction is notified for your acknowledgement and strict implementation accordingly.

Director General of Department of Import and Export

(signed and sealed)

Banesaty Thepphavong

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# Title Download
1 Instruction on the Use of the Revised Import and Export License Form No. 1535/DIMEX.IEMD, dated 10 May 2016 PDF
2 ບົດແນະນຳ ກ່ຽວກັບ ແນະນຳວິທີການນຳໃຊ້ໃບອະນຸຍາດນຳເຂົ້າ, ສົ່ງອອກສິນຄ້າ ສະບັບປັບປຸງໃໝ່ ສະບັບເລກທີ 1535 /ກຂອ.ບຂອ, ລົງວັນທີ 10 ພຶດສະພາ 2016 PDF
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