Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce of Thailand had recently noticed the requirements for the import and the transit of cassava and its products in Thailand through the Royal Thai Embassy in Lao PDR.

The Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand on the Required Certificates and Measures that Have to be Applied for the Import of Cassava and its Products to Thailand 2555 BE (2012 CE) specifies the requirements to import cassava and its products as follows:

(1)   The importer must hold import license;
(2)   The importer must hold requirement of certificates, e.g. Phytosanitary Certificate, Certificate of Origin, and product standards;
(3)   The importer must hold monthly report on the import, the possession of export, storage, distribution and supply of cassava products;
(4)   The importer must import through Customs Checkpoint within phytosanitary inspection or under plant inspection authority.

The announcement became effective since 27 December 2012.

As for the transit of cassava and its products is required to follow the Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand on the Transit Measures of Cassava and its Products to Thailand 2559 BE (2016 CE) as follows:

(1)   The transit must be processed through checkpoints as specifies by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand;
(2)   The declaration of Phytosanitary Certificate and Certificate of Origin to Customs Department for the transit.

The announcement became effective on 22 March 2016.

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