In order to keep standards of agricultural products for export that tends to increase and to resolve the ban of the import of some vegetables (Basil, Mexican coriander, Peppers, and Chaphu) of the EU, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry issued an Order on Enhancing Strictness on Phytosanitary Measures No. 2109/MAF, dated 27 April 2016.

Recently, the EU has banned the import and export of the mentioned vegetables due to the found of pests and chemical substances that exceeded the safety level. The Order stipulates to temporarily cease the issue of the Certificate of Origin to companies those get noticed by the EU until its improvement and consistency with phytosanitary measures of the EU.

The Order thus instruct the Vientiane Capital and Provincial Department of Agricultural and Forestry to disseminate regulations and conditions for the import of vegetables and vegetable products of the EU to exporters which would help to raise awareness, understanding and implementation accordingly. It also indicates to examine inspection system and phytosanitary certification of technicians, phytosanitary officers, and exporters, in order to report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

The Order became effective on 27 April 2016.

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