(Unofficial Translation)


Ministry of Industry and Commerce                               No: 1734/PSO.DIMEX
Permanent Secretariat Office      Vientiane Capital, 19 September 2006

To: Enterprises who import and distribute fuel
Subject: Additional Instruction on the administration of import and distribution of fuel

-          Pursuant to Prime Minister Office’s notification no. 1037/PMO, dated 16 August 1994 on the management of fuel business operators in Lao PDR.
-          Pursuant to a decision on the management of fuel business operator in Lao PDR No. 1131/MoIC, dated 28 December 2005.

In order to fulfill the above-mentioned content, Permanent Secretariat Office of Ministry of Industry and Commerce issues an additional Instruction on import regulation of fuel as follows:

I.       Import documents:

1.      An enterprise who wish to import fuel shall submit documents requested for the import of fuel as follows:

a.       A Requesting letter of the fuel company based on prescribed format by Department of Import and Export management.
b.      Enterprise registration Certificate (one time per year)
c.       Tax  Certificate (one time per year)
d.      A report of import based on prescribed format by Department of Import and Export management being certified by one stop service at the border checkpoint (except for companies requesting for startup a business)

2.      The Import of fuel companies for general projects

a.       A Requesting letter of the fuel company based on prescribed format by Department of Import and Export management.
b.      Enterprise registration Certificate (one time per year)
c.       Tax  Certificate (one time per year)
d.      A report of import based on prescribed format by Department of Import and Export management, which is certified by one stop service at the border checkpoint.
e.       a contract between the company and the project

3.      In case of imports for projects permitted by Ministry of Foreign Affair or Foreign and Domestic Investment management Committee. The company should submit following documents:

a.       A Requesting letter from the company (importer for the project)
b.      A Permitted license issued by Ministry of Foreign Affair or Foreign and Domestic Investment management Committee.
c.       Annual Import plan (Master list)
d.      A contract between the company and project

II. Requirements for issuing license:

Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Import and Export) will consider the master list approved by the government for issuing import licensing based on the following requirements:

a.      Approved business entities that fulfill requirements as per the Minister’s Decision on the management of fuel companies No 1331/MOIC, dated 28 December 2005.
b.      Based on conditions such as numbers of warehouse, gas station, safety, facilities for providing services to customers as key priority.
c.      Supplied fuel to rural and remote areas.
d.     Had good record particularly there is regular import and distribution even during price fluctuation period.
e.      The company that expand activities on gas station or storage sufficiently to meet the demand (volume fuel supplied).
f.       The project is based on permitted value by the project’s owner.

III. Procedure and timing for issuing import licenses:

1.      Fuel Company submits a request together with documents mentioned in point I above.

2.      Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Import and Export) issue import license for fuel in accordance with the requirements mentioned in point II above.

3.      Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Import and Export) will consider issuing a license within 3 days (working days) if documentations are complete as above mentioned. 

Therefore, this notice is issued for information and strict implementation.

Head of Permanent Secretariat Office

(Signed and sealed)

Mr. Somevang Ninthavong

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# Title Download
1 Notification No. 0769/PS.PM, dated 1 June 2016 on the Extension and Implementation of the Order No. 15/PM, dated 13 May 2016 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ເລກທີ 0769/ຫສນຍ, ລົງວັນທີ 1 ມິຖຸນາ 2016 ກ່ຽວກັບ ການຜັນຂະຫຍາຍ ແລະ ການຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດ ຄຳສັ່ງ ເລກທີ 15/ນຍ, ລົງວັນທີ 13 ພຶດສະພາ 2016 PDF
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