(Unofficial Translation)

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Prime Minister

No. 78/PM

Vientiane Capital, 03 July 2012

Termination of the Import of Used Vehicles and Tariff-Tax reduction on the Import of Hybrid cars, cars running on gas (NGV), LPG and fuel  

-          Pursuant to Law on the Government of Lao PDR No. 02/NA dated 06 May 2003;
-          Pursuant to Law on Customs No. 05/NA dated 20 May 2005;
-          Pursuant to Law on Tax No. 04/NA dated 19 May 2005;
-          Pursuant to a report No. 2422/IC.IE dated 23 December 2011 of Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Prime Minister agrees as follows:

Article 1:        The tariff-tax reduction on the import of hybrid cars, cars running on gas (NGV), LPB, fuel, and used vehicles granted to companies who benefited from such special policy in the past is rescinded. It is applies to the vehicles under such scheme that have not yet been imported. As for  vehicles that were already ordered prior to this Decision, and were imported  prior to 28 March 2012 based on the inspection’s outcome of the Inspection Committee conducted on 14 February to 28 March 2012  are permitted to be charged tariff-tax under the special policy being agreed by the Government previously.

Article 2:        The import of used vehicles is entirely terminated from the date of the Government Office’s Notice No. 191/GO.ກສສ dated 08 February 2012, with the exception of heavy duty machineries used for production that meet required quality, lifetime use, and  standard.  As for  vehicles that were already ordered prior to this Decision, and were imported  prior to 28 March 2012 based on the inspection’s outcome of the Inspection Committee conducted on 14 February to 28 March 2012  are permitted to be charged tariff-tax under the special policy being agreed by the Government previously.  Any import of used vehicles after 28 March 2012 shall be returned and prohibited from price evaluation for custom-tax payment.  Any violation will be seized to the State based on Law on Customs No. 05/NA dated 20 May 2005.

Article 3:        Companies who will import all types of vehicles shall meet requirements prescribed in the Decision No. 0919/IC.IE dated 12 May 2009 issued by Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and the import of all types of vehicles shall pay tariff-tax based on the rates verified in the law.  

Article 4:        Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of public work and Transports shall resolve all problems stringently based on their roles and responsibilities on a case by case basis according to the inspection’s outcome done by the Inspection Committee on 14 February to 28 March 2012.

Article 5:        All relevant sectors shall acknowledge and implement this Decision based on their roles strictly and effectively.

Article 6:        This Decision is effective from the date of signature.

Prime Minister

(Signed and sealed)


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# Title Download
1 Decision on the Termination to Import Used Vehicle and Policy on Tariff and Tax Reduction for the Import of Vehicle (Hybrid, NGV, LPG) and Fuel no. 78/PM, dated 3 July 2012 PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຢຸດຕິການນຳເຂົ້າລົດມືສອງ ແລະ ການໃຫ້ນະໂຍບາຍຫຼຸດຜ່ອນພາສີ-ອາກອນສຳລັບການນຳເຂົ້າລົດ Hybrid, ລົດທີ່ແລ່ນດ້ວຍອາຍແກັສ NGV, LPG ແລະ ນໍ້າມັນເຊື້ອໄຟ ສະບັບເລກທີ 78/ນຍ, ລົງວັນທີ 3 ກໍລະກົດ 2012 PDF
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