The 3rd assessment meeting on ASYCUDA implementation was organized in October 2016 at Thavisouk Hotel, Vangvieng District, Vientiane Province by Customs Department, Ministry of Finance which was co-chaired by Mr. Bounpasert Sikounlabouth, Acting Director-General of Customs Department, and Mr. Somphet SivongxaySivongxay, Deputy Director-General of Customs Department/ Head of Customs Reform and Modernization Team (CRMIT).

The main objective of this meeting is to assess the implementation of ASYCUDA system in 22 international border checkpoints. It focuses on reviewing information and define future plans to modernize customs, particularly to improve customs declaration procedure, risks management, and the use of customs value declaration management module that will be tested within 2016.

The meeting listened to the report about the outcome of the past two years’ work that has continuously facilitated customs declaration, in accordance with ASYCUDA’s expansion plan and modern economic circumstance. The customs declaration via the ASYCUDA system is now faster and more effective; errors or delays in the systems had been improved through coordination between central and local level. The linkage system with relevant sector has been broaden and most enterprises already experienced using the system. However, there are still some challenges on the implementation, for example, customs declaration is not implemented correctly and united nationwide; security document under IM8 is not successfully abolished; electronic backup, internet and other issues those are main challenges for customs declaration service in some checkpoints.

In order to resolve these issues and to raise efficiency in the implementation of ASYCUDA system, the meeting adopted future plans to (1) accelerate the second power backup supply in targeted checkpoints; (2) make arrangement to supply IT and internet devices to support ASYCUDA system; (3) review the assessment on Smart Tax installation and upgrade it to support fees and services payment; (4) organize trainings on how to use the system to customs officers and enterprises based on their needs; (5) accelerate to issue an instruction on ASYCUDA system before applying within 2016; (6) issue a provision to stipulate that controlled products are required to attach purchase-sale agreement; (7) request for a payment receipt from bank and other official documents; (8) research and revise regulations regarding the Customs Declaration for Temporary Imported Vehicle by 2016 to systemize truck and tour vehicles management; and (9) expand E-Meter system to the targeted border checkpoints and other matters that consider beneficial to the system.

At the end of this meeting, the chairs appreciated the consultation and comments on the implementation of ASYCUDA system from customs officers. The chairs further requested that customs officers shall enhance strictness on the management and the operation of the system to increase efficiency, compliance with regulations, mechanisms, and achieve targeted revenue collection as expected by the government.

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