Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry issued an Order on Temporarily Cease to Spray Disinfectant for General Vehicles Entering Lao PDR No. 3773/MAF, dated 14 December 2016 which specifies to temporarily cease the disinfection for general vehicles those are not carrying animal, animal product, plant or plant product at border checkpoints nationwide until further official change made by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

As for vehicle those carrying animals, animal products, plants or plant products entering Lao PDR are principally allowed to spray disinfectant. Plant quarantine official and veterinarian official at the border checkpoints will continuously inspect animals and plants according to the laws and regulations. Moreover, there will be no cost for disinfection service for all type of vehicles entering into Lao PDR; including general vehicle, vehicle carrying animals, animal products, plant or plan products).

The Order assigns Department of Agriculture, and Department of Livestock and Fisheries to follow, evaluate risk and carefully beware about the spread of pest and animal disease from neighboring countries, including regional and international. In case the disinfection for general vehicle is necessary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will periodically issue an official notification.

The Order became effective on 14 December 2016.

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