National Assembly issues Law on Plant Protection and Quarantine (Amended Version) No. 13/NA dated 15th November 2016 to replace the Law on Plant Protection No. 06/NA dated 09th December 2008 which specifies principles, regulations, and measures to administrate, monitor plant protection and quarantine related works in order to eliminate the spread of domestic pest, the spread of from other countries into Laos PDR and from Lao PDR to other countries. It aims to maintain sanitary, protect environment, ensure food security and production for commercial purpose, increase quality and quantity in clean, green, and sustainable agricultural method, integrating in regional and international and contribute to trade facilitation, protection and development of the nation.

Controlled plants, plant products or suspected objects that require import license include: (1) the import from certified and suspicious countries for pest quarantined areas; (2) the import that requires quarantine after the import, especially plant species, useful insects, and bio-agents; (3) the import as specific end-user or for certain purpose or for research and testing; (4) the import for humanitarian resettlement purpose or natural calamities; (5) the import that requires the monitoring on circulation of controlled plants, plant products or objects in certain period of time after the import. The details of controlled plants, plant products or objects are specified in separate regulations. When controlled plants, plant products or objects are allowed to import into Lao PDR, it shall be imported through designated border checkpoints and use in the scope that being specified in import license.

 Any individual, legal entity or organization who wish to export controlled plant, plant products, and object shall request to Plant Protection and Quarantine Administration Authority to follow phytosanitary measures as required by destination countries. For controlled plants, plant products or objectives that do not listed in quarantine protection of destination countries shall be processed according to relevant regulations

This law enters into force on signatory date of Presidential Decree (28th November, 2016) and 15 days after posted on Lao Official Gazette (28 November, 2017) which is 28th February 2017.


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