[Unofficial Trabslation]

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Livestock and Fisheries            Ref. No. 0641/DLF.
Vientiane Capital, Date 03 APR 2017


To:   Chief of Provincial Livestock and Fisheries/Vientiane Capital

Subject: Follow up, Inspect and Control of Importation of Piglets, Pig, Pork (fresh and frozen) and other animal Products entering into Lao PDR and Prohibit of Trade of infected animals and animal Products

-    Pursuant to the Law on Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters (amended version) No. 08/NA, dated on 11/11/2016;

-    Pursuant to the Announcement of the Prime Minister Office No. 158/PMO.ກສສ dated 31/01/2017 relating to the request to control the importation of piglets, pig and pork from neighboring countries.

-    With respect to voices of the society concerning the violation of law of some business operators and traders who illegitimately buy-sell sick or dead animals caused by diseases.

As we all acknowledge that in the previous years, pigs raising in the form of farms are increased particularly the increase of large farm for commercial production in the urban areas that enable the  supply of piglets, pigs and pork in Lao PDR to meet the domestic needs.

However, pig production in the Lao PDR has some limitations especially the protection and control of disease outbreak, production plan, balance the supply and demand have yet strongly ensured. Besides, some business operators have yet paid attention, are not honest in implementing law and regulation, lack ethical profession smuggling the dead animal carcasses caused by disease for distribution and consumption disorderly. That induced risks of occurring new emerging disease as well as negative social voice. All of these affect negatively on the pig production in our country.

Moreover, in the past there was not uniform in the administration of import, export and transit of piglets, pig, pork and other animal products. At the border checkpoints there are both compliant and incompliant permission for the goods to enter into the country without throughout inspection. That creates gap for some groups of business operators to take advantage and create conditions or excuses to import the goods for generating their own benefit without obeying  the regulation and concerning about any risk that will negatively impact on the national security, economy and society.

Therefore, to ensure that there is no negative impact on life, consumers’ health and to enhance the attention on managing, nurturing, and supplying sufficient and safe pork and stabilizing the production and supply of pork to the society

Director General of Department of Livestock and Fisheries issues a notice as follows:

1.  Provincial and Vientiane Capital office of Livestock and Fisheries is responsible for coordinating with concerned authorities within its own local to monitor, inspect and intercept the import of piglet, pig and pork (fresh and frozen) including animal carcasses by individual or legal entities whose import illegally with the violation of the law and regulations. If it is found measures being enforced by law and regulations should be strictly imposed.

2.  The import of animal, animal product and animal commodity into Lao PDR shall accompany with the following documents:

-   Import permit issued by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority of Lao PDR ;

-   Health Certificate or Zoo-sanitary Certificate issued by concerned organization or public authority of the originated country in compliance with the import requirements of the Lao PDR.

3.   In case of being permitted to import, the import shall be only through the international border check points where a veterinary authority is situated;

4.   Apart from of the above-mentioned documents, the physical checking have to be done through numbers, characteristics and quality of the products that only complies with the import permit;

5.  The Veterinary Inspectors at the border checkpoint are assigned to strictly monitor and inspect in order to guard and obstruct violators who illegally import piglet, pig and pork (fresh and frozen) and animal products. If it is detected it is assigned to collaborate with other concerned authorities imposing measures, warning, fining or resolving problems by consultation and compromising, by administrative resolution by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority, resolve by the Economic Conflicts Resolution Committee and resolve by the People’s Court according to the practical case;

6.  Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Authority is assigned to collaborate with Provincial and Vientiane Capital Industry and Commerce authority to be responsible for leading and collaborating with the District Agriculture and Forestry Office to obstruct the aforementioned issue strictly;

7.  In case of detecting sick or dead animals with unknown causes, die in large amount in the consecutive times, the livestock’s owner should promptly report to a veterinary in the village or chief of a village or District Agriculture and Forestry Office to execute the inspection of surrounded areas where the disease has occurred. It is prohibited to consume or move or commercialize the dead or sick animal. The dead animals should be buried or burned immediately. It is prohibited to throw the dead animal in the stream, marsh and river;

8.  When receiving this Notice, the Provincial and Vientiane Capital Livestock and Fisheries authority shall suddenly coordinate with the Animal checkpoint, District Agriculture and Forestry Office and concerned authorities to implement this notice effectively.

Director General
Department of Livestock and Fisheries
(Signed and sealed)

Somphanh Chanphengxay


1.   Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry        1 copy (to follow up the implementation)
2.   Head of the Permanent Secretary Office, MAF             1 copy (to direct the implementation)
3.   Head of all divisions, centers in the Department            1 copy  (to follow up the implementation)
4.   Filling                                                                              1 copy


# Title Download
1 Notification on the Monitoring, Inspection, and Interception of the Import of Infected Piggy,Pig,Pork(fresh and frozen), and Animal Products into Lao PDR and the Prohibition to trade and Consume Infected Animal Products No. 0641/DLF, dated 3rd April 2017 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ການຕິດຕາມ, ກວດກາ ແລະ ສະກັດກັ້ນການນຳເຂົ້າລູກໝູ, ໝູຊີ້ນ, ຊີ້ນໝູ (ສົດ ແລະ ແຊ່ແຂງ) ແລະ ຊິ້ນສ່ວນຜະລິດຕະພັນສັດ ເຂົ້າ ສປປ ລາວ ແລະ ການຫ້າມຄ້າຂາຍ ແລະ ບໍລິໂພກຜະລິດຕະພັນສັດທີ່ເປັນພະຍາດ ສະບັບເລກທີ 0641/ກລປ, ລົງວັນທີ 13 ເມສາ 2017 PDF
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