To meet international standard and quality,  electronic waste recycling plants and old batteries shall strictly follow the rules and standards from concerned Ministries in accordance with guidelines on the Management of Hazardous Waste, No. 0744/MoNRE, dated 11 February 2015 and guidelines on Pollution Control No. 0745/MoNRE, dated 11 December 2015. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce in conjunction with local sectors reviewed all 13 plants, in which 01 plant in the Vientiane Capital and 01 plant in Luang Namtha province were ceased permanently due to the plant's location is not suitable for the environment and can be toxic to ecosystems and communities in the vicinity of the plants. In addition, to implement target No.3 of the 8th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2016-2020) with the main direction of developing environmentally sustainable, green, clean, and delightful urban and rural communities that will contribute to the people’s well-being, good health, and population-free environment. This notification shows the government's standpoint in Socio-Economic Development following a green and sustainable orientation. It urges all relevant sectors to strictly follow the laws and together protect the environment.   

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