According to the Instruction on the Management and Utilization of the Easy Tax System No.618 /MOF, dated March 10th, 2016, this notification aims to modernize tax payment through online banking and electronic tools of banks and to create favorable, safe, modern, transparent conditions and secure the government’s revenue collection accurately and timely. Currently, there are 07 provinces that use the Easy Tax System, for instance: Vientiane Capital (Xaysetha District, Chanthaboury District, Sisattanak District, Sikhottabong District and Morning Market), Luang Prabang Province, Vientiane Province, Bolikhamxay Province, Khammouane Province, Savannakhet Province, and Champasack Province. In addition, it can be used in 04 Banks: BCEL, Lao Development Bank, Agricultural Promotion Bank and LaoViet Bank. Tax payment through Easy Tax System will products certify receipts such as automatic cash receipt from ATMs, automatic cash receipt from EDC/POS, cash receipt from counter services, Bank Statement and Tax Payment Certificates from the Tax sectors. These documents are references for accounting records, money payments, audits, and litigation.

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