On March 2nd, 2018, at Erawan Riverside Hotel, Champasak Province, Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) together with the Asian Development Bank of Lao PDR (ADB) have organized a dissemination meeting to introduce Plaosme website to the Champasak provincial and southern businesses. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Somchit Inthamit, the Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce and co-chaired by Mr.Yasushi NEGISHI, the Country Director of ADB in Laos.

"Plaosme website is another channel for disseminating information and expected benefits from Free Trade Area (FTA) which will help prepare Lao SMEs towards Asian business integration," stated Mr. Somchit Inthamit.

Since the official launch of Plaosme website on August 30, 2017 to present time, there are a total of 103 Lao SMEs registered and 413productssold through this website such as rice, coffee, tea, furniture, jewelry, and handicrafts.

Click here to visit Plaosme website

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