On March 29th, 2018, the meeting on the adoption of a list of prohibited goods and a list of goods subject to automatic and non-automatic import or export license at Rasmy Plaza Hotel, Vientiane Capital. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bounma Manivong, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce and attracting concerned sectors to attend. The objective of this meeting is to adopt a list of prohibited goods and a list of goods subject to automatic and non-automatic import or export license. According to the results of the meeting on last January, some lists of goods are not identified due to there is overlap with the role of the concerned sectors in parallel with a draft of the list of goods is also open for public to provide comments for reduction and addition to the list of goods into the new draft via the website of Lao Trade Portal (laotradeportal.gov.la). In addition, the Department of Import and Export also declared the management of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), medicinal plants, and chemical goods may be associated a list of prohibited goods and a list of goods subject to automatic and non-automatic import or export licensing. The declaration is open for participants sharing their comments on goods that are not put on a list.


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