The meeting was organized on 27-29 March 2014 at Saiynamhoung Restaurant in Xayyabuli province, joining by  participants from 3 provinces in the northern part of Lao PDR, such as Xayabuli, Houaphan and Luangnamtha who represented the Department of Industry and Commerce, Department of Public Work and Transport, Department of Planning and Investment, Trainers and Seminar participants. The meeting took 03 days, chaired by Mr. Souliyon Philavong, Director General of Department of Import and Export and co-chair of Mr. Bounxou Vilaisack, Deputy Director General of Department of Industry and Commerce of Xayyabuli province.

The objective of this meeting is to promote and enhance knowledge in provincial and district level and to give a better understanding of theories and practices that related the work of Trade Facilitation. The meeting gave detail explanations on the implementation of Rules of Origin of Lao PDR as well as the work on Rules of Origin is one of the priorities of ASEAN. Lao PDR joined the ASEAN Self Certification in order to reduce the cost of the business operators and facilitate the business shipment to ASEAN market in parallel with Lao has received preferential on trade, legal documents, equipments on implementation of the work on Certifying Rules of Origin (CO), issuance of Rules of Origin, statistic report of Rules of Origin, the receipts of Rules of Origin of goods and the self certification in Lao PDR under the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement. Moreover, participants from 3 provinces reported the implementation of import and export in the northern part of Lao PDR.

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